ForumsGame WalkthroughsMorbid 1 walkthrough

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On request of another user, I'm am making the walkthrough for the original Morbid.

1. Go forward. The starting location has nothing to pick up.
2. Click behind house, zoom in on tree, take parchment out of tree hollow.
3. Zoom back to where you were before clicking the tree. Click on back of house to get to woodshed.
4. Pick up hammer, then zoom in on chopping log. Pick up stake in top right corner.
5. Go back to where you where before the woodshed. Click on the spot where there is a gap in the far fence.
6. Grab bowl hanging from fence, then proceed forward.
7. click first grave on the left. Pickup holy water.
8. Go back to the path (before you zoomed in on the tree). Go forward to the mill wheel.
9. Click the right of the screen to reach a pond. click the "reed" (ladder) closest to you.
10. return to house, zoom on the front door, but only so much that you the house appears parallel to you. Use ladder on the side of the house.
11. Climb ladder, us hammer on window stakes (must use on all four) then climb to top of the roof. zoom on chimney, grab carbon black.
12. Return to window, climb through and into house.
13. Click just in front of table to zoom in on cellar door. Open door and go down.
14. Zoom in on barrel to the left. Use pot on the barrel.
15. Return to the main floor of the house. zoom on fire. Take topmost piece of wood for torch. then put the pot on the hook. After liquid gets done boiling, zoom on pot and collect salt.
16. Go back to the main room. Turn around and take the lever off the door. open door, and head out.
17. get back to the view you had when putting the ladder up. Click to the left of the tree in the background.
18. Go into room. Use torch to see. Click on the garlic.
19. Head back to the mill wheel. Zoom in on it and use the lever on it. (you will have to click the lever after placing it for water to start flowing).
20. zoom out and click above the wheel. Go through the door that has been revealed.
21. Proceed until you reach the door with no handle. Use carbon black and garlic on door, then push open.
22. You have now reached the vampire's layer. Take the parchment on the shelf. Then use salt on the vampires coffin.
23. Zoom in on vampire. Use holy water on stake. Place stake on vampire's chest. Then use hammer on stake.
24. Enjoy ending.

Again, if there are any questions, just ask here.

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