Name: Ryu Kage Age:19 Brotherhood:0 Brotherhood name: Daku akuma Weapon:none Items:none bio: was born in a japanese place then was found that he was a part of "Daku Akuma" that ment "Dark Fiend" in japanese
You find a street fight.Who do you side with A.The 3 guys losing. B.The 5 guys winning.
Flag Name:Rio Galveston Age:17 Brotherhood:0 Brotherhood Name:Shrouded Death Weapon:none Item:none Bio:I grew up in a farm then templars burned it to the ground then my lifelong mission was to kill all of them
Name: Blake Age:21 Brotherhood: 0 Brotherhood name: Lupi Weapon: none Items: none Bio: My live sucked before I joined, but now it's better that ever!
Which shop?
Name:Rio Galveston Age:17 Brotherhood:0 Brotherhood Name:Shrouded Death Weapon:none Item:none Bio:I grew up in a farm then templars burned it to the ground then my lifelong mission was to kill all of them.
Name:Rio Galveston Age:17 Brotherhood:0 Brotherhood Name:Shrouded Death Weapon:none Item:none Bio:I grew up in a farm then templars burned it to the ground then my lifelong mission was to kill all of them.
What do you mean by friend?Make one up or choose somebody who already joined?
Name:Rio Galveston Age:17 Brotherhood:0 Brotherhood Name:Shrouded Death Weapon:none Item:none Bio:I grew up in a farm then templars burned it to the ground then my lifelong mission was to kill all of them.