One day a stick man got Created and he was Alone in a plane white canvas when.... A cursor appeared the Stick man worshipped him like a god he gave the Stick a Name, Colour and a brush
He doodled and doodled until the canvas was stretched as far as it was Limited The Cursor Took it away from him and he drew another Stick and another and another until there were over 9 thousand sticks on the world of sticks His god also Gave him a choice on a Class Almighty Cursor's Stick world grew so the World was Independent
Name: Age: Gender Colour: Class: Faction: (ask me if you want to be in a faction) Infantry: Fists Mission: Back story: The Cursor created him/her and
Names: Selectable formats
Mr. (Colour) Miss. (Colour) (Name) (Colour) (EG: John Grey) (Colour)(Username) (Name) (Colour's First letter) (Username) Another format has to be accepted.
Age: What order Did he (the Cursor) Make you Young(Latest) 1-17 Oldest 18 - 105
Gender: Simple
Colours: Grey Red Blue Green Purple Yellow Pink
Samurai: Experienced at wielding a Katana
Badass: You start with fists and you kill a enemy and take there gun
Gun man: Experienced with guns
Master(Unlocked at level 5 mission 10) He can clone him self He can Slow Time for 2 posts can use it every 5 posts
Knows all fighting techniques of the Below Judo Karate Kun-fu Boxing Tae-kwon-do
Learner: (Unlocked Level 5 Mission 5)
once defeating a faction of classes he can use there class Until he Defeats another faction.
Factions: (Viable for meeting other Players)
The Samurai of Honour(Samurai)
The Assassins(Gunmen)
Templers of the Cursors(Master)
Tutors(Learners (Faction Learners Copy there opponent's Class))
You start with fists then go to a place corresponding to your class and pick up your weapons(Except Badasses)
Mission: (Name of Mission) (Level) (Mission No.)
Back story:
Your Back story has to start with â The Cursor Created him/her andâ
Name: Blue xMinato Age: 14 Gender M Colour: Blue Class: Elite Faction: (ask me if you want to be in a faction) Infantry: Fists Mission: none (yet) Back story: The Cursor created him , not long ago, however he didnt seem to care much about him, thus he got his personallity, he isnt very friendly for this same reason (DOESNT mean he CANT have friends), doesnt have home (D
Name:John Red Age:15 Gender: Male Colour: Red Class: Elite Faction: (ask me if you want to be in a faction) Infantry: Fists Mission: none Back story: Actualy hated the cursor so Became a thief to get evrything he wanted without the help of the Cursor.
It says "I can give you a job and I'll give you 200 sticks"
Name:John Red Age:15 Gender: Male Colour: Red Class: Elite Faction: (ask me if you want to be in a faction) Infantry: Fists Mission: none Back story: Actualy hated the cursor so Became a thief to get evrything he wanted without the help of the Cursor.
You see small writing saying meet me at the Train station
Name:John Red Age:15 Gender: Male Colour: Red Class: Elite Faction: (ask me if you want to be in a faction) Infantry: Fists Mission: none Back story: Actualy hated the cursor so Became a thief to get evrything he wanted without the help of the Cursor.
The red stick who gave it to you comes up to you and says "Hmm very good you are the only one to come on time I am having little problem with my clone and the other red guy he will read the message soon"
Name:John Red Age:15 Gender: Male Colour: Red Class: Elite Faction: (ask me if you want to be in a faction) Infantry: Fists Mission: Power risin' Level 1 Mission 1, Plant a bomb on each of the nearby(4) Power Plants the red guy gave me bombs and a detonator Back story: Actually hated the cursor so Became a thief to get everything he wanted without the help of the Cursor.
The red guy explains: "You hate the cursor yeah so now I will give 200 sticks to kill his creations"
I want you to set a bomb on each factory power plant of The Assassins, and kill whatever necessary kill a guard and take his Hand gun and go do that
Name: Blue xMinato Age: 14 Gender M Colour: Blue Class: Bad A$$ Faction: (ask me if you want to be in a faction) Infantry: Fists Mission: none (yet) Back story: The Cursor created him , not long ago, however he didnt seem to care much about him, thus he got his personallity, he isnt very friendly for this same reason (DOESNT mean he CANT have friends), doesnt have home (D
Name: Blue xMinato Age: 14 Gender M Colour: Blue Class: Bad A$$ Faction: (ask me if you want to be in a faction) Infantry: Fists Mission: none (yet) Back story: The Cursor created him , not long ago, however he didnt seem to care much about him, thus he got his personallity, he isnt very friendly for this same reason (DOESNT mean he CANT have friends), doesnt have home (D
Name: Blue xMinato Age: 14 Gender M Colour: Blue Class: Bad A$$ Faction: (ask me if you want to be in a faction) Infantry: Fists Mission: none (yet) Back story: The Cursor created him , not long ago, however he didnt seem to care much about him, thus he got his personallity, he isnt very friendly for this same reason (DOESNT mean he CANT have friends), doesnt have home (D
It says "I can give you a mission for 100 Sticks, Also you suffocated my clone come to the Bus Station."
Name: Blue xMinato Age: 14 Gender M Colour: Blue Class: Bad A$$ Faction: (ask me if you want to be in a faction) Infantry: Fists Mission: none (yet) Back story: The Cursor created him , not long ago, however he didnt seem to care much about him, thus he got his personallity, he isnt very friendly for this same reason (DOESNT mean he CANT have friends), doesnt have home (D
Obey the mysterious note and go to the bus station, nothing could possibly be wrong!
Name: Blue xMinato Age: 14 Gender M Colour: Blue Class: Elite Faction: (ask me if you want to be in a faction) Infantry: Trilby, tweed, Fists, Mission: Katana cross Level 1 mission 1 <!BONUS JUMP!> Back story: The Cursor created him , not long ago, however he didnt seem to care much about him, thus he got his personallity, he isnt very friendly for this same reason (DOESNT mean he CANT have friends), doesnt have home (D
The Red guy comes up to you at the bus station "You know have A job for you go to the Samurai Temple nearest to here Kill a guard hide the body and infiltrate the Dojo come back with Von loyan If he is alive when you get him to me if you get 300 sticks if dead 200 You have a week." he fades.
Name:John Red Age:15 Gender: Male Colour: Red Class: Elite Faction: (ask me if you want to be in a faction) Infantry: Bombs Mission: Power risin' Level 1 Mission 1, Plant a bomb on each of the nearby(4) Power Plants the red guy gave me bombs and a detonator Back story: Actually hated the cursor so Became a thief to get everything he wanted without the help of the Cursor.
You see a sniper Tower of the Assassins and 2 stickmen in it.
Also all lvl 1s have a bonus jump perk to it basicly meaning if you want to at the end you can skip to Lvl5 mission 5 and your achievable master point turns to mission 5 and lvl 5