In this game you are a forenzic.You must solve crimes,find evidence and jail the bad guys.If you have watched CSI you would know what to do.This is sheet:
Name:Billy Bob Jane Age: 27 Gender:Male Health:100/100 Job: Interrogation Forensic Perk:Psychology Pro: Understands the inner workings of the mind and can notice subtle actions and what these actions link to in the mind.... Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc ItemsClues and evidence) Description: shiny Black Hair, Dark Blue eyes, thinned goattee, very small birthmark on left temple.Usually wearing large Black-blue Sunglasses, Highly reflective. Bio: Became very interested in his own thoughts at a young age, and attempted to analyze them, failing for the most part. Through his schooling Billy focused on science-related courses, specifically Human anatomy+psychology, and graduated from college with a Doctorates in psychology.
Sorry.Didnt really see you. Anyways you get in the lab and got a case.For know their are 3 suspects.The wife,the son(The son is 16),and the gardener.What will you do know?
SirNoobalot She can see DNA more clearly through a microscope that's why.
Name: Zoey Manshelle Age:21 Gender: Female Health:100/100 Job: DNA Forenzic Perk: sharp eye (Can see stuff further away) Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc ItemsClues and evidence) Description: Brown hair, blue eyes. Bio: When Zoe was 16 she was fascinated with science so she got good at science and she trained for 5 years on 5 stuff with science and she got Accepted in to the DNA stuff so hear she is.
I look around the lab.
P.S I vote for Lab Alpha 13 P.S+ Never seen S.C.I though
Name: Horatio Caine (he's just the best) Age: 43 Gender: Male Health: 100/100 Job: Interrogation Forensic Perk: Unstoppable: Good at self-defense when a criminal starts shooting at him. Also good for assault in a Criminal Warehouse. Weapons/Armor: 9mm Pistol, Kelvar Armor Misc Items: (Clues and Evidence) Description: Light brown (almost blonde) hair, blue eyes. ALWAYS wearing pure Black sunglasses, even when in action. Bio: Not much is known about Horatio, it is just known that he wants to hide his face with his awesome sunglasses.
Name: Zoey Manshelle Age:21 Gender: Female Health:100/100 Job: DNA Forenzic Perk: sharp eye (Can see stuff further away) Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc ItemsClues and evidence) Description: Brown hair, blue eyes. Bio: When Zoe was 16 she was fascinated with science so she got good at science and she trained for 5 years on 5 stuff with science and she got Accepted in to the DNA stuff so hear she is.
You look around the lab.Out of nowhere you see a small leak.What will you do?
P.S Because nobody voted the lab name is now Lab Alpha 13.
Name: Horatio Caine (he's just the best) Age: 43 Gender: Male Health: 100/100 Job: Interrogation Forensic Perk: Unstoppable: Good at self-defense when a criminal starts shooting at him. Also good for assault in a Criminal Warehouse. Weapons/Armor: 9mm Pistol, Kelvar Armor Misc Items: (Clues and Evidence) Description: Light brown (almost blonde) hair, blue eyes. ALWAYS wearing pure Black sunglasses, even when in action. Bio: Not much is known about Horatio, it is just known that he wants to hide his face with his awesome sunglasses.
This job is takend.The only one avalible is Obtoxy.Sorry.
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:Expert photographer-can hold my ccamera,gun,and most things very steady Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc Items:Pictures Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
look on the bed in the bathroom under the bed in any vents
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:Expert photographer-can hold my ccamera,gun,and most things very steady Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc Items:Pictures Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
You look on the bed and under it.You find nothing.You check the bathroom.Clear.You checked the vents and in one of the vents you see some kind of diary or something.What will you do?
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:Expert photographer-can hold my ccamera,gun,and most things very steady Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc Items:Pictures Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:Expert photographer-can hold my ccamera,gun,and most things very steady Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc Items:Pictures Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
You scan and then read the diary.It is the victims diary.You see that the victim had a lot of fights with his wife and his neighbor. What will you do?
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:Expert photographer-can hold my ccamera,gun,and most things very steady Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc Items:Pictures Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:Expert photographer-can hold my ccamera,gun,and most things very steady Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc Items:Pictures Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
You head to the neighbors house.They arent home.What will you do now?
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:Expert photographer-can hold my ccamera,gun,and most things very steady Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc Items:Pictures Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
i post an officer in an unmarked car outside and tell him to call when he see's the neighbor come back and i do some extra questioning to the wife about their numerous fights
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:Expert photographer-can hold my ccamera,gun,and most things very steady Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc Items:Pictures Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
The officer listend and is watching the house. You ask the wife about their fights.She claims that her husband always comes home drunk and she got tired of it.Thats how the fights happend.She also said that her husband said that if she tells the cops about him hitting his wife he would kill her.
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:Expert photographer-can hold my ccamera,gun,and most things very steady Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc Items:Pictures Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
leave her and look around the doors and windows for any signs of forced entry
Name:Gil Grissom (Fu-- yeah!) Age:30 Gender:M Health:100/100 Job:Field Forensic Perk:Expert photographer-can hold my ccamera,gun,and most things very steady Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kelver armor. Misc Items:Pictures Description:tall,graying hair&beard,piercing brown eyes,scars on his forehead Bio:lived a childhood watching and studying bugs any kind even the dangerous hornet he got as close as he could to watch and went to college for 5 years in Entomology and graduated to become a CSI.
You check the doors and windows.On the window at the master bedroom you see a small amount of forced entry.What will you do?
Name: Warren "Woody" Holmsberg[hells yeah, Psych ref ftw!!!!] Age: 30 Gender: M Health:100/100 Job: Autopsy Forensics(spelling fail, also, this is actually called the coroner) Perk: Surgeon's Hands[Is good at spotting and extracting small stuff without damaging it](Another Psych ref ftw!) Weapons/Armor:9mm pistol,Kevlar Armor. Misc ItemsClues and evidence) Description: Tall, bald(cue-tip bald, not old bald), kind of clean-cut and brisk. Business-like pretty much all the time. Bio: Was once police coroner in Santa Barbara. Transferred to Miami so he could constantly put on and take off killer shades. Also because in the Psych universe he was played by Kurt Fuller, ugh.