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this is a spinoff of sirnoobs first RPG which coincidentally was the first i was to join

ok so most of your char sheet you make yourself

also theres a bloodbath and beyond a magical store when you ask for something it lists a price for you in monies

char sheet

Profession: before outbreak
Weapon: you make but passes judgment
Clothing: you buy armor so you make
Misc: 3 things anything really
Money: 0
Perk: i get from profession
Special: i make from bio

  • 299 Replies
26,390 posts

Name: Michael Taylor
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Profession: Surgeon
Weapon: Scalpel
Clothing: Doctor's Uniform, Surgical Mask, Medical Gloves.
Misc: Antibiotic Paste, Tranquilizer[5 shots], Bandages.
Money: 0
Perk: explains itself
Special: Richy mc rich: you can smell a dollar from a mile away!
Bio: Taylor graduated from a good college with a doctorate in biology, then he went on to medical school. Unfortunately, unable to pay the bills, he joined the military and took night classes instead of simply going to school, however he managed to do well in both the military, and get his degree. However, he was awarded several medals for distinguished service and injuries sustained during the war. He remained in the military for a few years, earning his residency as a military doctor back home. He returned home and started his own practice, which ballooned into several different institutions, making him very rich.

Write that stuff down, then examine him and keep checking in on him periodically.

15,053 posts

Name: Michael Taylor
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Profession: Surgeon
Weapon: Scalpel
Clothing: Doctor's Uniform, Surgical Mask, Medical Gloves.
Misc: Antibiotic Paste, Tranquilizer[5 shots], Bandages.
Money: 0
Perk: explains itself
Special: Richy mc rich: you can smell a dollar from a mile away!
Bio: Taylor graduated from a good college with a doctorate in biology, then he went on to medical school. Unfortunately, unable to pay the bills, he joined the military and took night classes instead of simply going to school, however he managed to do well in both the military, and get his degree. However, he was awarded several medals for distinguished service and injuries sustained during the war. He remained in the military for a few years, earning his residency as a military doctor back home. He returned home and started his own practice, which ballooned into several different institutions, making him very rich.

other than the frequent nosebleeds he's pretty cool

then next thing you know you hear banging on the doors

22,207 posts

skipped D:!

15,053 posts

Name: Phillip Vasquez :O
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Profession: Mall Security manager
Weapon: M9, small knife.
Clothing: Mall security outfit ( White uniform shirt, black dress pants, light kevlar vest)
Misc: Flashlight, Fire Ax ( from the mall), Mall Keys ( to every store n door)
Money: 0
Perk: Paul Blart-from being a wannabe cop you had many times to train and memorize the police training course making you better than a police officer!
Special: fatty- because you failed physical means you can take more hits!
Bio: Phil was from the beginning an aspiring police officer, but after failing the physical training multiple times, decided to be a MALL COP instead...

"da squad car"

22,207 posts

Name: Paul Blart
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Profession: Mall Security manager
Weapon: M9, small knife.
Clothing: Mall security outfit ( White uniform shirt, black dress pants, light kevlar vest)
Misc: Flashlight, Fire Ax ( from the mall), Mall Keys ( to every store n door)
Money: 0
Perk: Paul Blart-from being a wannabe cop you had many times to train and memorize the police training course making you better than a police officer!
Special: fatty- because you failed physical means you can take more hits!
Bio: Phil was from the beginning an aspiring police officer, but after failing the physical training multiple times, decided to be a MALL COP instead...[quote]

well i personally own a zombie survival guide ( some pretty legit stuff, if you ask), and i'll list some problems with a prison as a refuge as stated in the book:

1. modern penitentiaries lack the defensibility of the large, expensive concrete walls of pre-1965 prisons. As these huge walls were products of the industiral age when how big a thing was commanded respect and intimidation, due to frugal budgeting. although the psychological aspect may be lost on the dead, theanyone seeking refuge could not ask for better, time-honored barrier than the ones that kept our ancestors safe from society's criminals. Surveillance cameras+ motion sensors leave only a double fence of razor wires. a dozen zombies would be stopped cold. a few hundred would cause some damage, but thousands in a writhing horde, writhing in a massive pile over each, would topple the 1st fence, then the 2nd and swarm into the compound. against this onslaught, who wouldn't trade all the high-tech machinery for 20 feet of solid concrete?
2. and what about the inmates??? considering that within a prison's walls are the most dangerous criminals, wouldn't it eb wiser to confront the undead?? most of the time, the answer is yes. anyone knows facing 10 zombies is preferrable to facing one hardened criminal. and what if the prisoners have taken over??? this is undoubtedly dangerous+unsafe...

say that to them.

15,053 posts

Name: Paul Blart
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Profession: Mall Security manager
Weapon: M9, small knife.
Clothing: Mall security outfit ( White uniform shirt, black dress pants, light kevlar vest)
Misc: Flashlight, Fire Ax ( from the mall), Mall Keys ( to every store n door)
Money: 0
Perk: Paul Blart-from being a wannabe cop you had many times to train and memorize the police training course making you better than a police officer!
Special: fatty- because you failed physical means you can take more hits!
Bio: Phil was from the beginning an aspiring police officer, but after failing the physical training multiple times, decided to be a MALL COP instead...

well first off it is an older prison second off even if they are harden criminals doesn't mean you can't reason with them would they want to stay in the nice safe prison where there are hundreds of dead cannibals out there?

22,207 posts

Name: Paul Blart
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Profession: Mall Security manager
Weapon: M9, small knife.
Clothing: Mall security outfit ( White uniform shirt, black dress pants, light kevlar vest)
Misc: Flashlight, Fire Ax ( from the mall), Mall Keys ( to every store n door)
Money: 0
Perk: Paul Blart-from being a wannabe cop you had many times to train and memorize the police training course making you better than a police officer!
Special: fatty- because you failed physical means you can take more hits!
Bio: Phil was from the beginning an aspiring police officer, but after failing the physical training multiple times, decided to be a MALL COP instead...

heh gang warfare... i prefer facing slow, dead cannibals over being shanked or shot to death ( whether intentional or by accident because of the gang wars that would break out over who rules the prison) by the gangs.

15,053 posts

Gold - Knight


Name: Paul Blart
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Profession: Mall Security manager
Weapon: M9, small knife.
Clothing: Mall security outfit ( White uniform shirt, black dress pants, light kevlar vest)
Misc: Flashlight, Fire Ax ( from the mall), Mall Keys ( to every store n door)
Money: 0
Perk: Paul Blart-from being a wannabe cop you had many times to train and memorize the police training course making you better than a police officer!
Special: fatty- because you failed physical means you can take more hits!
Bio: Phil was from the beginning an aspiring police officer, but after failing the physical training multiple times, decided to be a MALL COP instead...


22,207 posts

Name: Paul Blart
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Profession: Mall Security manager
Weapon: M9, small knife.
Clothing: Mall security outfit ( White uniform shirt, black dress pants, light kevlar vest)
Misc: Flashlight, Fire Ax ( from the mall), Mall Keys ( to every store n door)
Money: 0
Perk: Paul Blart-from being a wannabe cop you had many times to train and memorize the police training course making you better than a police officer!
Special: fatty- because you failed physical means you can take more hits!
Bio: Phil was from the beginning an aspiring police officer, but after failing the physical training multiple times, decided to be a MALL COP instead...

oh i see how it is...

15,053 posts

Gold - Knight


Name: Paul Blart
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Profession: Mall Security manager
Weapon: M9, small knife.
Clothing: Mall security outfit ( White uniform shirt, black dress pants, light kevlar vest)
Misc: Flashlight, Fire Ax ( from the mall), Mall Keys ( to every store n door)
Money: 0
Perk: Paul Blart-from being a wannabe cop you had many times to train and memorize the police training course making you better than a police officer!
Special: fatty- because you failed physical means you can take more hits!
Bio: Phil was from the beginning an aspiring police officer, but after failing the physical training multiple times, decided to be a MALL COP instead...

think fast but they're deaf (like hearing loss deaf not complete) they can see a mile away but there smell is that of a human their strength is only 2X that of the strong human

22,207 posts

Name: Paul Blart
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Profession: Mall Security manager
Weapon: M9, small knife.
Clothing: Mall security outfit ( White uniform shirt, black dress pants, light kevlar vest)
Misc: Flashlight, Fire Ax ( from the mall), Mall Keys ( to every store n door)
Money: 0
Perk: Paul Blart-from being a wannabe cop you had many times to train and memorize the police training course making you better than a police officer!
Special: fatty- because you failed physical means you can take more hits!
Bio: Phil was from the beginning an aspiring police officer, but after failing the physical training multiple times, decided to be a MALL COP instead...


can i just shoot these people???

15,053 posts

Name: Paul Blart
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Profession: Mall Security manager
Weapon: M9, small knife.
Clothing: Mall security outfit ( White uniform shirt, black dress pants, light kevlar vest)
Misc: Flashlight, Fire Ax ( from the mall), Mall Keys ( to every store n door)
Money: 0
Perk: Paul Blart-from being a wannabe cop you had many times to train and memorize the police training course making you better than a police officer!
Special: fatty- because you failed physical means you can take more hits!
Bio: Phil was from the beginning an aspiring police officer, but after failing the physical training multiple times, decided to be a MALL COP instead...

if you wanna die alone sre but if you wanna live i suggest the prison

22,207 posts

Name: Paul Blart
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Profession: Mall Security manager
Weapon: M9, small knife.
Clothing: Mall security outfit ( White uniform shirt, black dress pants, light kevlar vest)
Misc: Flashlight, Fire Ax ( from the mall), Mall Keys ( to every store n door)
Money: 0
Perk: Paul Blart-from being a wannabe cop you had many times to train and memorize the police training course making you better than a police officer!
Special: fatty- because you failed physical means you can take more hits!
Bio: Phil was from the beginning an aspiring police officer, but after failing the physical training multiple times, decided to be a MALL COP instead...

awww you ruin teh fun of surviving D:... a short ending?

*grumble grumble* "Well can we at least loot this place for stuff we need before we go??"

15,053 posts

Name: Paul Blart
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Profession: Mall Security manager
Weapon: M9, small knife.
Clothing: Mall security outfit ( White uniform shirt, black dress pants, light kevlar vest)
Misc: Flashlight, Fire Ax ( from the mall), Mall Keys ( to every store n door)
Money: 0
Perk: Paul Blart-from being a wannabe cop you had many times to train and memorize the police training course making you better than a police officer!
Special: fatty- because you failed physical means you can take more hits!
Bio: Phil was from the beginning an aspiring police officer, but after failing the physical training multiple times, decided to be a MALL COP instead...

there already gone to the candy store >.> Psssst their fat

22,207 posts

Name: Paul Blart
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Profession: Mall Security manager
Weapon: M9, small knife.
Clothing: Mall security outfit ( White uniform shirt, black dress pants, light kevlar vest)
Misc: Flashlight, Fire Ax ( from the mall), Mall Keys ( to every store n door)
Money: 0
Perk: Paul Blart-from being a wannabe cop you had many times to train and memorize the police training course making you better than a police officer!
Special: fatty- because you failed physical means you can take more hits!
Bio: Phil was from the beginning an aspiring police officer, but after failing the physical training multiple times, decided to be a MALL COP instead...

places i go to...

1. hunting/sport store.
2. food court, grab non-perishables+ bottled drinks
3. jewelry... yep, might as well get it before the raiders come.

Showing 61-75 of 299