ForumsGame WalkthroughsDoodle god

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Here is every thing you can make in Doodle god

Air + Car= Airplane
Fire + Water= Alcohol
Human + Alcohol= Alcoholic
Human + Vodka= Alcoholic
Human + Beer= Alcoholic
Tree + Fire= Ash
Wood + Fire= Ash
Dragon + Hunter= Ash
Human + Poisoned Weapon= Assassin
Swamp + Life= Bacteria
Earth + Lizard= Beast
Alcohol + Wheat= Beer
Earth + Worm= Beetle
Egg + Air= Bird
Dinosaur + Human= Blood
Beast + Human= Blood
Wood + Water= Boat
Metal + Steam= Boiler
Feather + Paper= Book
Dough + Fire= Bread
Clay + Fire= Bricks
Air + Worm= Butterfly
Oil + Cart= Car
Wood + Wheel= Cart
Clay + Limestone= Cement
Clay + Human= Ceramics
Beast + Cart= Chariot
Paper + Tobacco= Cigarette
Swamp + Sand= Clay
Fabric + Human= Clothes
Tree + Fire= Coal
Wood + Fire= Coal
Water + Cement= Concrete
Fire + Human= Corpse
Human + Poison= Corpse
Wizard + Energy= Demigod
Earth + Egg= Dinosaur
Fish + Beast= Dolphin
Human + Beast= Domestic Animal
Water + Flour= Dough
Dinosaur + Fire= Dragon
Air + Earth= Dust
Life + Stone= Egg
Metal + Energy= Electricity
Tools + Wool= Fabric
Bird + Hunter= Feather
Moss + Swamp= Fern
Domestic Animal + Grass= Fertiliser
Earth + Tools= Field
Stone + Stone= Fire
Weapon + Gunpowder= Firearm
Plankton + Bacteria= Fish
Stone + Wheat= Flour
Ship + Fabric= Frigate
Life + Ash= Ghost
Zombie + Corpse= Ghoul
Fire + Sand= Glass
Clay + Life= Golem
Earth + Moss= Grass
Saltpeter + Sulphur= Gun Powder
Warrior + Dragon= Hero
Bricks + Concrete= House
Life + Beast= Human
Human + Weapon= Hunter
Stone + Human= Hut
Fire + Earth= Lava
Energy + Swamp= Life
Shell + Stone= Limestone
Egg + Swamp= Lizard
Steam Engine + Cart= Locomotive
Human + Domestic Animal= Meat
Beast + Human= Meat
Bird + Hunter= Meat
Fire + Stone= Metal
Human + Domestic Animal= Milk
Domestic Animal + Grass= Milk
Swamp + Weeds= Moss
Earth + Weeds= Mushroom
Water + Coal= Oil
Tools + Reed= Paper
Bird + Fire= Pheonix
Bacteria + Water= Plankton
Tools + Scorpion= Poison
Poison + Weapon= Poisoned Weapon
Swamp + Grass= Reed
Limestone + Fertiliser= Saltpeter
Water + Stone= Sand
Beetle + Sand= Scorpion
Grass + Grass= Seeds
Life + Sand= Seeds
Human + Human= Sex
Plankton + Stone= Shell
Wood + Boat= Ship
House + Glass= Skyscraper
Swamp + Worm= Snake
Sand + Worm= Snake
Water + Air= Steam
Boiler + Coal= Steam Engine
Ship + Steam Engine= Steam Ship
Air + Lava= Stone
Air + Energy= Storm
Bacteria + Swamp= Sulphur
Water + Earth= Swamp
Bird + Storm= Thunderbird
Fire + Grass= Tobacco
Human + Metal= Tools
Tree + Life= Treant
Earth + Seeds= Tree
Egg + Sand= Turtle
Human + Blood= Vampire
Alcohol + Water= Vodka
Weapon + Hunter= Warrior
Tools + Metal= Weapon
Life + Water= Weeds
Beast + Vampire= Werewolf
Beast + Water= Whale
Seeds + Field= Wheat
Wood + Tools= Wheel
Human + Energy= Wizard
Tree + Tools= Wood
Human + Domestic Animal= Wool
Beast + Hunter= Wool
Bacteria + Swamp= Worm
Plankton + Earth= Worm
Life + Corpse= Zombie

  • 4 Replies
33 posts

hey! thanks a lot !! i've been looking for these a month ago! thank you very much !!

49 posts

You're wlcome.

49 posts

If I missed some thing fell free to write it.

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