A game that i thought of today where you do something and something else happens.ExampleI drink some water on the table and...Bob:then i got eaten by a gorilla.Rules:No spamingNo double postingIll startI pressed the butten on the desk and...
...ate me and...
...then i came out the other end and took a shower then realized...
...that i forgot about my girlfriends birthday which was...
...landed in a field of salomi then i relized...i can play too
...that your mother is a zebra. The n a banana walks up to you and...
...says I'm your girlfriend then you...
fire ur lazor causing her to...
turn into a model then she...
kissed alvin the chipmunk (**** him!) which made me...
kiss alvin's GF (Brittany) then...
suddenly a huge chicken trampeled both the chipmunks and I suddenly...
realized how to fly then...
vomited because my wife...
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