Okay, this is a recreation of my "Create Earth" game, but in here you can create your own custom planet, with ANYTHING you like, not just Earth. I am a good artist so I will draw anything you say that you want to be in the Planet. Oh, don't forget, you must also add things that aren't visible, like Planet Temperature, Atmosphere etc. Natural Bio-Disasters will often occur. So, let's go. First of all we need a Planet name, a Planet figure (Ball, Ellipse, Cube, Pyramid etc.). That's all we need first.. Let's go, it will be real FUN!
I call this 3ARTH. It is like a normal planet. It has little land,low water level and low oyegon.The brown is the land.There is no grass because the oyxegon level is low. After some earthquakes 3ARTH will have more land.This is only the beggining.
Ok man, you just explain what you wanna add, don't torture yourself...I'll draw
Name: 3ARTH Form: Ellipse Oxygen Level: Low Water: 93% from Size of Planet Land: 6% from Size of Planet Ozone: 1% from Size of Planet Flora: Very Little plants, and very low grass, not yet visible.
Name: 3ARTH Form: Ball Oxygen Level: Very High Water: 81% from Size of Planet Land: 18% from Size of Planet Ozone: 1% from Size of Planet Flora: Very Little plants, and very low grass, starts to gain visibility. Disasters:From so high oxygen, the grass and the planet massively grow extra fast, the Grass starts to turn Blue and the waters turns white, everything because of the Oxygen.