On Memetia, there were some things that were going on at the same time as the plot. Things more like what we would call an arcade game: less story, more activity.
This is what we would call a Gladiatorial Arena. You can fight creatures, duel other Gladiators and improve your own character!
Character Sheet Name: Race: Specialization: Perk: Determined by Bio Attacks: Special attack: None Finishing Move: None Bio: Equipment: Determined by Specialization ---------------------------------------------- Stats(Determined by various factors) HP: Vitality/Mana/Ammunition: DT: Strength: Vitality and physical strength Endurance: Health and Damage Threshold. Sense: How effective your senses are. Intelligence: Mana and spell effectiveness. Charisma: Determines crowd appeal and shop prices. Tech: Ammunition capacity and Technical Weapon effectiveness. Luck: Call it the X factor.
Duels will be determined by dice rolls, but Creature Battling will be determined by my decisions on your attacks.
Race: The races of Memetia. Determines some of the equipment and abilities you can learn.
Cheezburgians: Cat-like humanoids that are agile and have heightened senses. Fairly well-liked.
Chanians: Burly giants who are hard to kill. Trade-off is that they're very slow. Surprisingly Lucky,
Youtubians: Highly intelligent Cycborgs that mastered the mysterious power of Magic. Above average sense, but prone to bad luck.
Trollix: All-around average. Nothing else much to say, except they are skinny, green and horned.
Specialization: Your initial focus for combat.
Warrior: Based around doing damage at close range. Gains extra strength and endurance. Starts with: Dull Hand axe, Old tunic, Cheap Slasher vials
Trickster: Uses magic and trickery to achieve his success. Gains extra Intelligence and Charisma. Starts with: Cheap Wood stick, Old rags, Cheap Mana potions
Technician: Keeps his distance using projectile weaponry, stealth and improvised traps. Gains Sense and Tech. Starts with: Old gun, Small clips, Trap kit
Perk: What distinguishes you from every other mook looking for fortune.
Attacks: Your main method of attacking your opponents. You should add a damage value for duels, but that's not as important for mook battles.
I will post the Rank 1 Mook list when people start signing up.
Phillip XIV HP: 30/70 Mana: 130/200 DT:0 Weapon: None Armor: Old Cloth Item effect: +2 Mana/turn Money: $10, 5F
Okay, I'm sorry about the melee weapons. I posted that in the middle of my Engineering class, and I was abruptly at the end. Therefore, I forgot the other classes.
Wood Wands are less conductive, so less mana is used casting weaker spells.
Metal Wands are the opposite, so you deal more damage at teh cost of more mana.
Imbuned Wands are made of any materials that amplify the power while reducing consumption. However, the effect only works for Skill attacks and reduces the damage of basic strikes.
Xigbar HP: 60/60 Ammunition: 40/50 DT: -1 Weapons: Rank 2 Persistence (Rank 1 Persistence), Bear Traps Armor: Basic Vest Lv. 1 Item Effect: +5 ammo when out Prize: $115, 51 Fame
Luxord the Vulpine HP: 45/45 DT: 0 Body Lv. 2 Mind Lv. 2 Athlete Lv. 2
Some scans later...
Vet: Alright, I did a few scans. It looks like this egg is a genuine egg of the Goldmouse you recently defeated. Huh, we were sure those were mammals. Anyways, I made a data sheet of how it will look if we went ahead and Incubated this egg.
???? the Goldmouse HP: 30/30 DT: 3 Body Lv.4 Mind Lv.1 Athlete Lv.0 Cost: $45
You have been taken to an office of a doctor. Across the way, Xigbar seems to be talking with a vet over an egg. You're ushered into a side room, where data is running on three monitors.
Technician: Ah, so you must be Samir. Excuse me if I'm a little jittery. We have recently breeded these Scissorgraspers, and the result didn't actually look like the end result. Instead, we got this armored blob that we may think is a larva form. We COULD input the genetic code into the Incubator, and we would get a Scissorgrasper. I'll show you the data sheets...
???? the Sporieoblob HP: 10 DT: 20 Body Lv.0 Mind Lv.0 Athlete LV.0 Cost: None
???? the Scissorgrasper HP: 40 DT: 5 Body Lv. 3 Mind LV.2 Athlete Lv. 1 Cost: $50
We could also let you take the larva and train it to it will cocoon into a new form, since we find that this creature's DNA changes depending on the environment it is subjected to.
Unfortunately, you can only get the Wooden Stick, since you pay double price for a weapon above your rank. I reccommend fighting the trainer about now.
However, going with the cheaper stick allows you the extra money to but the armor!
Collective Trainer Rank 1 Description: The Trainer for the Rank 1 level. Apparently, you will advance in rank by beating him. HP: 0 DT: 3 Prizes: $100, Rank 2
Huh. He's still in the Infirmary. Ah well, we'll make it up later.
Advanced to rank 2!
Xigbar HP: 60/60 Ammunition: 40/50 DT: -1 Weapons: Rank 2 Persistence (Rank 1 Persistence), Bear Traps Armor: Basic Vest Lv. 1 Item Effect: +5 ammo when out Prize: $115, 51 Fame
Luxord the Vulpine HP: 45/45 DT: 0 Body Lv. 2 Mind Lv. 2 Athlete Lv. 2
Unfortunately, you cannot fight the trainer, since he's currently refusing to fight any fighters in groups of less than three.
Technician: Unfortunately, we only had one blob reserved for you. It will cost an extra $10 to allow you the Scissorgrasper as well. You can, however, have the blob for free since it's yours.
Although, we've found that the creatures usually have two primary adaptations: One for offensive capabilities, one for defensive. For example, the Scissorgrasper's environment involved many armored creatures that relied on slicing attacks.