Ok let me tell you the truth, I want to help but, it's as2 and I don't think you know how to program. That discourages me since you're going to encounter more problems due to not learning the material you're using. Really one of the untold rules of programming forums are not copy/pasta help. You will find it much more fruitful to study actionscript than mash together copied code.
I'd hate to burst your bubble... but for either of those types of games, you'll need more (and more complicated) code than letting a loaderbar fill up. Creating a game is hard, long and tedious work...
But, you can learn Ask questions, toy around, google, toy around again, google once more, ask some more questions... You'll get there
To add to that... if you want to make flash games, start by learning AS3 It might be a bit more difficult than AS2, but the options you have, the coding ease, and processing power are a lot better. There's a reason AS3 is out for about 6 years already
ok ive been trying to work out my load bar problem for at least half a year my google history is filled up with searches. and as for as3 cant find anywhere to download it for free. so can someone just solve my problem because i can make games.
one other thing where do i get the armor games logo?
ok ive been trying to work out my load bar problem for at least half a year my google history is filled up with searches. and as for as3 cant find anywhere to download it for free.
For half a year, really? By that time you could have actually learned to program and not try to fix code you can't understand yet.
as3 cant find anywhere to download it for free. so can someone just solve my problem because i can make games.
As3 is a language thus free, I think you're referring to flash CS3-5 which you can't get for free. You can get Flash builder that lets you use as3 and export swf files.
one other thing where do i get the armor games logo?
Not really something you should be concerned about but I believe they give it to you after you submit your game and it's accepted. You probably get the API for their high score system too. But I not 100% sure.