The Idea of this Is to make and finish a random story about anything.Target: 500 repliesGet writing!!!!!
kill the angel and grab teh crispies. yay!!! Mission Accomplished.You return home and make rice crispie treats, but D: OH NOES. You are out of...
Sausage! How can you have your favorite rice crispie treats with out sausage! You quickly...
rob your local supermarket for more sausages. but on the way home cops go BOOMHEADSHOT on you, you die, then go back to satan
he says "well isn't this ironic" and then he comes to you and....
rickrolls you, so you get very mad and start beating the crap out of him. You then become the new Satan and your first order to the armies of hell is...
To send out an invitation to my bookclub saying im having a party! And if they dont show...
I'll just read alone. And if they do show...
show them this, then...
everybody dies due to the annoying saxophone. THe only survivor was a...
single grain of sand in the sahara desert. so you used soul exchange with it and then you were Gone with the wind so you...
ran away naked and...
Used FUUUUUUUUSION! with a blade of grass wich made you a giant green sandman that id filled with mold. so...
Then you watch the saxophone thing again so you can commit suicide as Cheryl Lloyd got kicked out of X-Factor because she wet herself...
While singing a justin bieber song(RANDOM!). and you discover you can't commit suicide because...
Your mum called you in for a roast lunch...
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