No.: 1 Riddle: When it is 5 o'clock in Japan and Night in New Zealand what time would England be? (Answer with Day or Night) Difficulty: 2/10 Section: Time
No.: 2 Riddle: How could a attorney blame a cop for Kidnapping a "robber" with only a bag with the knot tied on the outside, a teleporter and a drill? Difficulty:4/10 Section: Mystery
No.: 3 Riddle: What has no beginning no end and nothing in the middle? Difficulty: 8/10 Section: What am I?
No.: 4 Riddle: I Shrivel and kill but I have no heart and I determine whether right or wrong, what am I? Difficulty: 9.5/10
Riddle: What has no beginning no end and nothing in the middle?
Zomfg I know this one! It's a doughnut! Because it's a circle, for one thing, so it has no beginning or end, and it's got a hole in the middle so that's the no middle part!
Here's a tricky one. There are five men going to a destination. It begins to rain, and four of the men start to walk faster. The fifth man does not change his pace. Then it begins to rain even harder, and the four men walk even faster. Again, the fifth man does not change his pace. Then the rain begins to just pour down and the four men begin to walk still faster. The fifth man still does not change his pace. Finally, the five men arrive at their destination. All five men arrive at their destination at the exact same time. The four men are completely soaked, but the fifth is dry. How did this happen?
The four men are carrying the 5th man in a coffin, mayhaps?
Correct. And for the mega-detailed, their "destination" was the church. They were the pallbearers. New riddle, from me. There is a janitor working at the Louvre and he is mopping the floors. Suddenly, he dumps the filthy mop water all over a priceless(extremely valuable) painting. When his boss finds out what the janitor did, not only does the boss not punish him, but the janitor is given a raise, plus the rest of the day off. lolwut? xplain dis pweeze.
There is a janitor working at the Louvre and he is mopping the floors. Suddenly, he dumps the filthy mop water all over a priceless(extremely valuable) painting. When his boss finds out what the janitor did, not only does the boss not punish him, but the janitor is given a raise, plus the rest of the day off. lolwut? xplain dis pweeze.