Hey guys, I found this in another section of the forums and it was marked spam. I don't know why, but I thought it was actually a good idea so I decided to post it here. Basically, you name one way someone can die in a video game. Try to number your responses.
ex. 1... 2... 3... just so I don't have to count them. Also, it'll be nice if you can put an example of game where a player can die using the method you listed.
148. Jump off the ledge on Dead Center (Left 4 Dead 2) 149. Open the door of the Saferoom unarmed with no health pack with a horde trying to get in (Left 4 Dead 2) 150. Forget a health pack. (Left 4 dead 2)
151. In Zangief's sweaty body. (Street Fighter) 152. By winning the game. (Halo Reach) 153. By cheating at poker. (Red Dead Redemption) Has anyone used these yet?
154. Attack an Alatreon with no armor on and a Rust weapon - MH3 155. Turning off the PC - All games 156. Go to the bathroom while playing a game with no pause button - Most games 157. Hit the screen with your fist - Most games 158. Complete the game (both endings) - C&C4
166.Kill the Item King (Disgaea) 167.Step on a Game Over panel (Disgaea 2) 168.Ally damage 100% (Disgaea 2) 169.Flattened by the moon (LOZ: MM) 170.Kill Etna/Laharl (Disgaea 2) 171.Killed by Midboss/Axel (Disgaea 1/2) 172.Achemidies II on self (Fallout New Vegas) 173.Combo'd bu The Apprentice (Soul Calibur 4) 174.Firewall (Starcraft 2) 175.Attack by Deathclaw (Fallout)
176. time out. (kingdom hearts 2 fight vs luxord) 177. doom counter = 0 (kingdom hearts 2 Final mix vs marluxia) 178. fail to save sora on time (kingdom hearts 2 last xemnas fight) 179. captian jack sparrow dies. (kingdom hearts 2, fight with barbossa) 180. riku dies. (kingdom hearts 2 xemnas fights)
183.Use wallhack to go inside wall, and them take it off when inside wall (Doom) 184.Use wallhack to go inside wall, and them fire rocketlauncher while inside wall (Doom).
186. oh cool, the only cherry in the game. *killed by cherry rain*(i wanna be the fangame) 187. screw you cherry. *dodges but gets owned by sign instead*(i wanna be the fangame) 188. oh what to do what to do... *gets spiked at light speed*(i wanna be the fangame.) 189. I AM THE GUY! *owned by cherry at the end* (i wanna be the guy) 190. lets go this way. *walks, but gets pwned by a stopsign* (i wanna be the fangame) 191. MONEY! *touches a dollar sign and dies* (i wanna be the fangame 192. STAIRS OF DOOM! (i wanna be the fangame) 193. caught by a pokeball.(i wanna be the fangame)