Hey guys, I found this in another section of the forums and it was marked spam. I don't know why, but I thought it was actually a good idea so I decided to post it here. Basically, you name one way someone can die in a video game. Try to number your responses.
ex. 1... 2... 3... just so I don't have to count them. Also, it'll be nice if you can put an example of game where a player can die using the method you listed.
272. Get blown up by a bunch of Creepers (Minecraft) 273. Get run over by a car while trying to get to the other side of the road (Frogger) 274. Get hit by a Final Smash before flying off the screen (Super Smash Brothers Brawl)
304. Pounced by a hunter in Single player when the bots don't prioritize you over the zombies waaaay out there. (Left4Dead [2]) 305. Smoked in the same situation (Left4Dead [2]) 306. Death charge (Left4Dead 2) 307. Team kill (all games with friendly fire) 308. Run out of ammo in the middle of a zombie horde. (Left4Dead [2]) 309. Pounced by a hunter in the middle of a horde (Left4Dead [2]) 310. Get mauled by a tank (Left4Dead [2]) 311. Step on a landmine. 312. Get pwned by a Droideka (Star Wars: Battlefront [II]) 313. Get shot by a survivor (Left4Dead [2] versus mode) 314. Snipe while standing in the open (most online shooters. go ahead, try it) 315. Watch as the bots take "your" medkits and pills to heal themselves and the others while you are in black and white mode (Left4Dead [2]). 316. That one headcrab that never fails to jump at you when you're at critical health (Half-Life [2]) 317. Stand still for extended periods in Ravenholm [Ravenheim?] (Half-Life 2) 318. get killed while typing. (most online shooters)
329. Playing a shooter (shooters are overrated. Sure, they can in some rare occasions be OK, but far from the best. RETRO FTW! ADVENTURE FTW. PLATFORMER FTW!! MARIO FTW!!) I don't get what's so awesome about shooters. Almost every other genre is better than it, except brawlers! Those suck even more! Yet those two are the most popular genres there are. THE WORST GENRES TURNED OUT TO BE THE BEST... WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!
331. Fall through the hole on top of the Pantheon (AC Brotherhood) 332. Get stuck by a sticky grenade that you threw at somebody who used Armor Lock (Halo Reach)
333. masterkey to the face 334. death by claymore 335. balistic knife to the face 336. AUG to the face 337. hit by napalm strike 338. shot by chopper gunner