The world of Arcas has fallen on hard times, as corruption and evil, has left the world plagued by unholy beasts. The glorious kingdom of Uru'Haeth has disintegrated into mere towns filled with bandits and thieves. The only ones left in the ancient lands are three royal children, unaware of their destiny...
When you walk out, a family hears of your mission and gives you some food and a small bow for defense.
After some traveling, you hear a gang of bandits scheming on raiding the town. One guard spots you and attempts to slash you in half with his long katana. What do you do?
You block the attacks, but then one is able to slash your arm. Suddenly, the man you seen at the blacksmith's earlier smashes them all at the cave wall. He then helps you up before you two see an explosion back at town.
A: Do your mission. B: Run back to the town. C: Abandon the town. D; Your choice.
You get to the town to discover the same group of bandits who destroyed Tarvan. After a closer look, you can see they have an evil, demonic aura, and their faces look deranged. Part of you tells you to protect the innocent lives, while the other half tells you to get away.
A: Activate the gem. B: Fight without it. C: Run. D: Your choice.