Take a basic task. i.e Making ramen. Describe how to do this in a even more hardcore/difficult/asinine way to do it. Then at the bottom of the post, you give the next person a task for example.
POST 1 Blah blah blah
Make Cereal
Post 2
I go to the store, and punch every single box of cereal in the cereal isle, making sure that there are holes in every box, I pour all the cereal out of the boxes, I then proccedd to pour every type of milk in that one area, thus flooding the store with milk. I then tear out my femur, fashion a spoon out of it, and eat my cereal.
buy a pressure washer. hold it 2 inches from the car, removing the paint, then replace the water with pressureised paint, volia, car is clean and has a new paint job.
Open curtain, turn on shower to blistering cold, jump in with all clothes on, rip clothes off. Face the cold like a man, then switch it to brain boiling hot. Tear skin off. Go back to ice cold, freeze insides to make artifical ice skin. Become super hero named ice man. Never have to bathe again.
I go to the store riding a t rex who can shoot lasers, go to but 50 cokes, i smash 10 of them on the cashier, then i return home put a lot of vodka in them and drink the 40 bottles at the same time...while playing a guitar solo....with a guitar made by the devil....which I aslo beat in poker last night
u sleep on a bed made of all the victims you killed after firing nukes all over the world and dream of riding a godzilla shaped spaceship that can destroy a star with a single anti matter missile, and wake up finding you have a huge lazer cannon in ur hand