Storyline... In the kingdom of "Dark Springs", there is a evil king named King Bob. Now in Dark Springs, the villagers dont pay taxes. King Bob has gave them several warnings to pay up. There are also villagers on welfare too. King Bob cannot pay for them because the villagers arent paying there taxes. King Bob ordered all of his best kights and soldiars too buy a dragon. Now the dragon makes sure everyone pays up or else, there goes your house-and your life. Rules... Now in this RPG, you have are the dragon and you have to kill all of the villagers and the people on welfare. Now the king is not very patient. Try to complete the game in four days. If not you will be put in the dongeon forever. As soon as you are done, the king will give you a gift. Name: Gender: Weapons: (gain as you level up) Perk: (ability to level up faster, more power full, defenseive, etc) Notes (etc) 1.Good Luck and Have Fun!` 2.Tell me if you want to quit. 3.Ill add more storylines and I narrate.
Name:Tom Razer Gender:Male Weapons: (gain as you level up) Perk: Level Up Faster
Whats our first objective.
P.S Is the objective only to destroy towns or once you have destroyed a town you can live a "Real Life".Like having realtionships,finding a home,having baby dragons and that.