Please note that this is a Combination list for doodle GOD!NOT doodle devil!
air + earth = dust air + fire = energy earth + fire = lava energy + air = storm fire + dust = ash lava + air = stone fire + stone = metal water + stone = sand energy + metal = electricity water + air = steam metal + steam = boiler fire + sand = glass water + earth = swamp fire + water = alcohol swamp + sand = clay swamp + energy = life alcohol + water = vodka water + life = weeds swamp + life = bacteria swamp + weeds = moss earth + moss = grass swamp + grass = reed water + bacteria = plankton life + stone = egg egg + earth = dinosaur dinosaur + fire = dragon air + egg = bird swamp + moss = fern clay + life = golem golem + life = human human + fire = corpse life + sand = seeds life + ash = ghost human + human = sex life + corpse = zombie zombie + corpse = ghoul human + energy = wizard wizard + energy = demigod seed + earth = tree human + metal = tools metal + tools = weapons weapons + man = hunter hunter + weapons = warrior warrior + dragon = hero + blood blood + human = vampire fire + clay = bricks tools + reed = paper bird + hunter = meat + feather + blood tree + tool = wood feather + paper = book swamp + bacteria = worm + sulfur tree + fire = ash + ash + coal coal + boiler = steam-engine wood + tool = wheel earth + tools = field field + seeds = wheat wheat + stone = flour flour + water = dough dough + fire = bread human + alcohol = alcoholic sand + worm = snake snake + water = fish water + coal = oil bread + alcohol = beer sand + egg = turtle swamp + egg = lizard plankton + fish = whale snake + tools = poison poison + weapon = poisoned weapon poisoned weapon + human = assassin
If there is any problems or mistakes, feel free to reply.
The game just gives you void after you reach 100 elements at least it did for me:P Also my doodle god on my iPod has 248 elements you need and 26 categories.......