You have to cheer up Sad Larry in this wacky game for people that are really weird and inventive. But before you make one, you have to make how Sad Larry felt about the previous idea and why. (Ex.
You gave him waffles.
the dog ran awayi take him to pizza hut
the pizza hut has roaches!i love that series!kick a tray with macaroni and cheese in his mouth
he tries to cut himself with a pizza cutterI give him a nice present
It wasn't what he wanted I baked him a cake(P.S. @locoace3 looks like I'm not the only one)
he has very fragile bones...*SNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAP*punt him out of a 6th story window, no im kidding... take him to the pool
There is no pool!I stab him with a knife.
He gets sick from drinking too much blood.I give him happiness.
he misplaces iti give him an account on facebook and thus a life(This game has potential me thinks (i like it now where's the like button |LIKE|)
He quits due to having no friends.I give him a rope to use for hanging himself.
he gets angry at all the responses that aren't happyi play catch with him
You didnt catch the ball and it went down in a river and all the way to mexico.I watch Chuck Norris Movies with him!
He gets scared. I help him find his long-lost mother.
You and Larry find her dead.I give Larry some Candy!
It's not his favorite kind. I get him a hot girlfriend.
Shes a hot boyfriend.I give him a milkshake =P
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