[/img]Here is a map of the new world also "fifteen men on a deadmans chest drink to the devil and down with the rest yo ho ho and a bottle of rum" Captian Billy Bones The year is 1650 the begining of the golden age of piracy Namefollowed by the name of your ship) Nicknameex. Blackbeard, Calico Jack, etc. try to make up your own, if you can) Age16+) SexAll characters should be male, as females onboard a ship were considered bad luck) Looksheight, weight, clothing, etc. please be as descriptive as you can) Nation of Originpick from Dutch, English, French, Spanish, or Native American) Employeerbasically who gave you your letter of Marque, you don't have to work for your nation of origin, you can also be self-employeed) Expertisealthough you are going to be captain of your ship, you were previously in one of the positions listed below, and everyone was first mate before they were captain) Ship:Sloop, 50 cargo space, max 12 guns(everyone begins with this) # of Crew:20(will increase in-game) Skillschoose 4 from the list below) Equipment:Cutlass, 2 flintlock pistols or Musket, Spyglass(that's all for now) Cargo:10 tonnes food, 2 tonnes ale 8 guns(to start) Loot:500 gp(does not take cargo space, but please try to be realistic)
Skill list: Gunning Firearms Disguise Sailing Swordplay Boarding Medicine Intimidation Drinking(show off your manliness, and drink up me harties, yo ho!) Diplomacy Morale Order Spotting (useful for noticing other ships in distance) Shipwright(repairing the ship) Wit & Charm (useful in town for swoowing the governor's daughter, who can give you extra stuff, if you impress her)
Positions: Gunner(bonus to firearms/cannons) Quartermaster(bonus to diplomacy/order) Doctor(bonus to medicine) Lookout(bonus to spotting) Crewman(bonus to everything) Carpenter/Sailmaker(bonus to repairs) Musician(bonus to morale, if you can, try to sing an actual pirate song, It will increase your chance of success)
Name:Felipe, The Grand Duchess Nickname:Fel Age:19 Sex:M (why have this if you can't be female?) Looks:5'11",200 pounds, wheres nothing too flashy to hide my piratness, tall with a medium build, and some stubble Nation of Origin:Spanish Employeer:Spanish privateer Expertise:Merchant (i know their ways and can cheat them out of their own deals) Ship:Sloop, 50 cargo space, max 12 guns(everyone begins with this) # of Crew:20(will increase in-game) Skillsisguise,morale,medicine and firearms Equipment:Boarding axe, 2 flintlock pistols or Musket, Spyglass(that's all for now) Cargo:10 tonnes food, 2 tonnes ale 8 guns(to start) Loot:500 Pieces of eight(does not take cargo space, but please try to be realistic) Home tons sir would you like business is business sir