In this game you are the leader of the Horde.You must evolve from the Stone Age to the Future Age.It will not be simple for you will at some times fight zombies,robots,crazy people and other.You start out alone for you have been banned out of your home.You must find a Girl/Boy to start making a horde then start the Evolution.This is the starting sheet:
Name: Age: Gender: Health:100/100 Hunger:50/100 Realationships:N/A Items:Wooden Club PerkCreate one,must be accepted) Description: Bio: Karma:Neutral(Karma can affect your story)
Your first objective is to find food,then find a base,then find a partner,be friends,kiss,populate and then populate to 25 people(Hordes are groups of men in the stone age which there were 25 to 50 people in those groups).Once you do that you will start your adventure to Evolution.
There will be a better and bigger sheet when you come to the evolution stage.
Name: Kimi Horishi Age:24 Gender: Health:100/100 Hunger:60/100 Realationships:Lucy 25%,Aleksa 5% Aroril 5% Items:Wooden Axe,5 logs 10 ,Bow,arrows(10),15 wood(for fire) Perk: Sway (can convince people very easily) Description: 5'6 243lb, tan, brown hair and eyes, heavy chest build Bio: his village was conqored by raiders and left to make his own tribe of ppl and vowed never to be a weak village acceptible to attack.
You do all that.You need to go away but where. These are the avalible locations:
Skull Island:A lot of water,fruit and animals but a lot of enemys.
Dragon Mountin:Some water,some fruit and animals and not a lot of enemys.
Plains of Harmony:Not a lot of water,fruit or animals but there are no enemys at all!
Name: Kimi Horishi Age:24 Gender: Health:100/100 Hunger:60/100 Realationships:Lucy 25%,Aleksa 5% Aroril 5% Items:Wooden Axe,5 logs 10 ,Bow,arrows(10),15 wood(for fire) Perk: Sway (can convince people very easily) Description: 5'6 243lb, tan, brown hair and eyes, heavy chest build Bio: his village was conqored by raiders and left to make his own tribe of ppl and vowed never to be a weak village acceptible to attack.
Name:Aleksa Age:21 Gender:male Health:95/100 Hunger:85/100 Realationships:Mary 45% Items:Wooden Club,stone spear,Axe,Firewood(10),Stone Pickaxe,Coal(25),Small Hammer,Copper Sword,chalk(10), PerkCan survive long without food water etc. Description:Tall,blue eyes,black hair Bio:He lived in a very warlike village but in one a fight his whole village died only he survived Location:Waterfall Springs Base:Hut,Clay House Karma:Good(Karma can affect your story)
Wait them to talk and then take male and ride him a little
Name: Kimi Horishi Age:24 Gender: Health:100/100 Hunger:60/100 Realationships:Lucy 25%,Aleksa 5% Aroril 5% Items:Wooden Axe,5 logs 10 ,Bow,arrows(10),15 wood(for fire) Perk: Sway (can convince people very easily) Description: 5'6 243lb, tan, brown hair and eyes, heavy chest build Bio: his village was conqored by raiders and left to make his own tribe of ppl and vowed never to be a weak village acceptible to attack.
You go to Dragon Mountain.You arrived there.You need shelter.You see some tall trees for a tree house,good sized caves and a big flat area for a house.What will you do?
Name:Aleksa Age:21 Gender:male Health:95/100 Hunger:85/100 Realationships:Mary 45% Items:Wooden Club,stone spear,Axe,Firewood(10),Stone Pickaxe,Coal(25),Small Hammer,Copper Sword,chalk(10), PerkCan survive long without food water etc. Description:Tall,blue eyes,black hair Bio:He lived in a very warlike village but in one a fight his whole village died only he survived Location:Waterfall Springs Base:Hut,Clay House Karma:Good(Karma can affect your story)
You take the male for a ride.While riding you find some roses and flowers.What will you do?
Name: Kimi Horishi Age:24 Gender: Health:100/100 Hunger:60/100 Realationships:Lucy 25%,Aleksa 5% Aroril 5% Items:Wooden Axe,5 logs 10 ,Bow,arrows(10),15 wood(for fire) Perk: Sway (can convince people very easily) Description: 5'6 243lb, tan, brown hair and eyes, heavy chest build Bio: his village was conqored by raiders and left to make his own tribe of ppl and vowed never to be a weak village acceptible to attack.
start working on gathing resourses get wood, big leaves, stone, n make another fire pit an chop fire wood, start making a new axe, couple spears and a new club
Name: Kimi Horishi Age:24 Gender: Health:100/100 Hunger:60/100 Realationships:Lucy 25%,Aleksa 5% Aroril 5% Items:Wooden Axe,5 logs 10 ,Bow,arrows(10),15 wood(for fire) Perk: Sway (can convince people very easily) Description: 5'6 243lb, tan, brown hair and eyes, heavy chest build Bio: his village was conqored by raiders and left to make his own tribe of ppl and vowed never to be a weak village acceptible to attack.
Before all that what will be your shelter.A treehouse,a cave or a normal house?
Name:Aleksa Age:21 Gender:male Health:95/100 Hunger:85/100 Realationships:Mary 45% Items:Wooden Club,stone spear,Axe,Firewood(10),Stone Pickaxe,Coal(25),Small Hammer,Copper Sword,chalk(10), PerkCan survive long without food water etc. Description:Tall,blue eyes,black hair Bio:He lived in a very warlike village but in one a fight his whole village died only he survived Location:Waterfall Springs Base:Hut,Clay House Karma:Good(Karma can affect your story)
Take roses and flowers for Mary and continue to ride and patrole around my teritory
Name:Aleksa Age:21 Gender:male Health:95/100 Hunger:85/100 Realationships:Mary 60% Items:Wooden Club,stone spear,Axe,Firewood(10),Stone Pickaxe,Coal(25),Small Hammer,Copper Sword,chalk(10), PerkCan survive long without food water etc. Description:Tall,blue eyes,black hair Bio:He lived in a very warlike village but in one a fight his whole village died only he survived Location:Waterfall Springs Base:Hut,Clay House Karma:Good(Karma can affect your story)
You do all that.While riding your horse you find nothing.Once at base you give mary the flowers.She kisses you on the cheek.Realationship went up!
Name: Kimi Horishi Age:24 Gender: Health:100/100 Hunger:60/100 Realationships:Lucy 25%,Aleksa 5% Aroril 5% Items:Wooden Axe,5 logs 10 ,Bow,arrows(10),15 wood(for fire) Perk: Sway (can convince people very easily) Description: 5'6 243lb, tan, brown hair and eyes, heavy chest build Bio: his village was conqored by raiders and left to make his own tribe of ppl and vowed never to be a weak village acceptible to attack.
a normal house it should impress ppl =) to come to us
Name:Aleksa Age:21 Gender:male Health:95/100 Hunger:85/100 Realationships:Mary 60% Items:Wooden Club,stone spear,Axe,Firewood(10),Stone Pickaxe,Coal(25),Small Hammer,Copper Sword,chalk(10), PerkCan survive long without food water etc. Description:Tall,blue eyes,black hair Bio:He lived in a very warlike village but in one a fight his whole village died only he survived Location:Waterfall Springs Base:Hut,Clay House Karma:Good(Karma can affect your story)
Name: Kimi Horishi Age:24 Gender: Health:100/100 Hunger:60/100 Realationships:Lucy 25%,Aleksa 5% Aroril 5% Items:Wooden Axe,5 logs 10 ,Bow,arrows(10),15 wood(for fire) Perk: Sway (can convince people very easily) Description: 5'6 243lb, tan, brown hair and eyes, heavy chest build Bio: his village was conqored by raiders and left to make his own tribe of ppl and vowed never to be a weak village acceptible to attack.
For a house you need 25 Logs,10 banana leaves and 25 vine.
Name:Aleksa Age:21 Gender:male Health:95/100 Hunger:85/100 Realationships:Mary 60% Items:Wooden Club,stone spear,Axe,Firewood(10),Stone Pickaxe,Coal(25),Small Hammer,Copper Sword,chalk(10), PerkCan survive long without food water etc. Description:Tall,blue eyes,black hair Bio:He lived in a very warlike village but in one a fight his whole village died only he survived Location:Waterfall Springs Base:Hut,Clay House Karma:Good(Karma can affect your story)
You go to the cave.While going deeper you find a creeper!What will you do?
P.S A creeper is a green monster with no arms.What he does is comes next to you and explodes like a suicide bomber.This is from Minecraft BTW.
Name:Aleksa Age:21 Gender:male Health:95/100 Hunger:85/100 Realationships:Mary 60% Items:Wooden Club,stone spear,Axe,Firewood(10),Stone Pickaxe,Coal(25),Small Hammer,Copper Sword,chalk(10), PerkCan survive long without food water etc. Description:Tall,blue eyes,black hair Bio:He lived in a very warlike village but in one a fight his whole village died only he survived Location:Waterfall Springs Base:Hut,Clay House Karma:Good(Karma can affect your story)
Kick him wit my leg and then start runing before he explode
Name:Aleksa Age:21 Gender:male Health:95/100 Hunger:85/100 Realationships:Mary 60% Items:Wooden Club,stone spear,Axe,Firewood(10),Stone Pickaxe,Coal(25),Small Hammer,Copper Sword,chalk(10), PerkCan survive long without food water etc. Description:Tall,blue eyes,black hair Bio:He lived in a very warlike village but in one a fight his whole village died only he survived Location:Waterfall Springs Base:Hut,Clay House Karma:Good(Karma can affect your story)
You kick him with your leg.He then goes down a big pit.You hear him saying out loud "SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS".What will you do?
Name: Kimi Horishi Age:24 Gender: Health:100/100 Hunger:60/100 Realationships:Lucy 25%,Aleksa 5% Aroril 5% Items:Wooden Axe,5 logs 10 ,Bow,arrows(10),15 wood(for fire) Perk: Sway (can convince people very easily) Description: 5'6 243lb, tan, brown hair and eyes, heavy chest build Bio: his village was conqored by raiders and left to make his own tribe of ppl and vowed never to be a weak village acceptible to attack.
start working on gathing resourses get wood, big banana leaves, stone, n make another fire pit an chop fire wood, start making a new axe, couple spears and a new club