Okay well im working on a game. I got a movie clip called game. Which is the whole level... and i want to add extra levels but i dont exactly know how to do that. on the main timeline i only have 1 frame which the game mc. So, if i could get any help. it would be much apreciated + i also need help with boundarys. since they dont want to work. (to prevent the main character from going over the edge)
just make another MC with empty first frame and in second create your extra level.Do not forget to stop action in main level while you are in extra level. you should write those boundarys that don't want to work )
uhm, after taking a 2nd look i noticed a few typos in my code, sorry.
game.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, changeWorld); function changeWorld (event:Event)void; { if (player reaches the goal of level 1) { game.gotoAndStop("2" } }
Yeah i did that to my game before. But it still doesnt work. Like, It loads up the game and everything fine. But it doesnt re-examine the level. and if i delete objects from the first frame, they dont appear on my second frame. If anyone wants to help me make my game. (you will be credited) Please message me with your email address. And i will contact you asap with what i need help with. Thank you.
deleted objects don't appear then you're re-using main loadlevel function? there must be a mistake in code or you just've got wrong create obj function... ICQ 356642105 (no email sorry) By the way the code below won't work if you want deleted objects reappear instead of gotoAndStop write your main load func for level one just change level name function should make the same objects but for the second lev maybe I'm wrong...