ForumsForum Gamesthe wanderer rpg..

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3,415 posts

you were a ranger, your grandfather a legend that died fighting off foul creatures aiming to destroy the land. The demons were after an ancient artifact, if the artifact is destroyed a power of evil that is invincible would be unleashed upon the world, your dad died killing a warlock that wanted to destroy the artifact. yeras later the artifact was found by a peasent and served him as a tax to the king, the king found the artifact and let the priests find out the artifact's prophecy, though they mis-interpreted it, telling the king the destroyer of the artifact would become invincible in strength, and so the king wanted to destroy it, though it could only be destroyed in the middle of the elf forest, a place protected by a gigantic animal guardian. He heard of you, you had a knack for making animals trust you, and in fighting monsters too, he also knew about the mark, the ranger's mark. That sacred mark passed on generation to generation in your family gives its owner an enchatment making monsters and animals alike trust you and not attack you. And so he sent you on a quest to kill the guardian, in return he promised to give you the artifact which you knew the actual prophecy of, you killed the guardian and wanted to claim your price, but the king had evil in his heart, and so he set an assasin to kill you once you were in the castle and make it look like he was trying to get the artifact too, only he didn't succed, you understood your situation quick enough.. and so you grabed the artifact, charged out the castle and rode your steed to safety, there are still assasins on your tracks, you have to finally keep the artifact safe!

you are the wanderer

character list:

weapon: (something reasonable like a long sword or a bow or something)
secondary wep.: (dagger, short bow, whatever...)
steed: (make it not over-powered, you can be craetive like a large tiger or magic elf or whatever or just have a horse or whatever)
items: rangers mark, some water, elvish bread

hope you have some fun!


  • 1,222 Replies
13,701 posts

name: Talow
weapon: hand-and-a-half sword.
secondary wep.: dagger
steed: Baby dragon
items: rangers mark, 2 bottles (water), elvish bread, map(pan), elves, rangers and demons book, map(native region), compass, fire making kit, tent, torch
Money: 15 silver

outside first: *laughs my *** off* "thats a nice nickname Dyrall."(can't believe i didn't think of that one)"

inside: "Just looking, so see ya." then i leave the shop and leave town.

3,415 posts

outside, just as you step in the shop "I have a skill for names" then laughs a bit

inside the shop as you step out: &quotoor kid" then you see the kid sneaking off and stealing the toy, as you are just about to leave the kid runs off behind your back "hide me for a sec would ya? Just step out slowly.."

13,701 posts

name: Talow
weapon: hand-and-a-half sword.
secondary wep.: dagger
steed: Baby dragon
items: rangers mark, 2 bottles (water), elvish bread, map(pan), elves, rangers and demons book, map(native region), compass, fire making kit, tent, torch
Money: 15 silver

(hmm, right or wrong, white or black?... screw it i'll cointoss.)

i step out slowly.

3,415 posts

you step out slowly, the kid not seen behind your big body, then when you are out the door the kid makes a huge &quotheeeeeeeeew" and almost falls down laughing happily "thank you so much mister, what can I do to repay you?"

3,912 posts

name: Yoshi Jimika
weapon: Greatsword
secondary wep.: throwing daggers
steed: A large Komodo Dragon Lizard(has claws so it can climb montains and can move fast)
items: rangers mark, some water, elvish bread,artifact
Money: 50 silver

have the steed go after the archer an i'll go after the other guy

13,701 posts

name: Talow
weapon: hand-and-a-half sword.
secondary wep.: dagger
steed: Baby dragon
items: rangers mark, 2 bottles (water), elvish bread, map(pan), elves, rangers and demons book, map(native region), compass, fire making kit, tent, torch
Money: 15 silver

"you could start by explaining exactly why you was stealing."

3,415 posts

Yoshi: another arrow gets stuck, this time on your leg, by the time he shoots it the lizard almost gets to him, then the lizard tears the archer to pieces brutally, by the time that happens the spear guy runs at you but before you catch him he throws the dagger, it gets stuck in your foot and you fall down, he comes with the spear to execute you..

Talow: (btw you know you can read the book and look at the map at any time. Just tell me if you do)
"ma' brother cha' is very sick, onlt thin'he want is dis world is this knight model toy for some reason, don' ask me why, but I swore to get it for him, we are very poor peasents, 8 silvers is all that my family has! 2 is already a huge portion, he didn't give me it for two, so me had to steal it!"

13,701 posts

name: Talow
weapon: hand-and-a-half sword.
secondary wep.: dagger
steed: Baby dragon
items: rangers mark, 2 bottles (water), elvish bread, map(pan), elves, rangers and demons book, map(native region), compass, fire making kit, tent, torch
Money: 10 silver

(ironic, black is white and white is black.)

"then here's a little thing to help you." i hand him 5 silvers.

3,415 posts

he looks at you in awe, Dyrall pats the kid on the shoulder "give that to the shop keeper, no need to steal"

you had for the gates, "so long Pan, nice city you were, miraculous cheeses, nice accents" Dyrall says in a sarcastic voice "so, where are we heading?" you look at the map and the compass, there is castlestown to the northwest, a lot of meadows to the south, the elf forest to the south-east and the mountains to the north-northwest

13,701 posts

name: Talow
weapon: hand-and-a-half sword.
secondary wep.: dagger
steed: Baby dragon
items: rangers mark, 2 bottles (water), elvish bread, map(pan), elves, rangers and demons book, map(native region), compass, fire making kit, tent, torch
Money: 10 silver

"lets head south-east." then i guess i start walking off towards the south east.

3,415 posts

"to elf forest? Creative thinking, hey how did you get the artifact by the way, and why are we doing whatever we are doing?"

13,701 posts

name: Talow
weapon: hand-and-a-half sword.
secondary wep.: dagger
steed: Baby dragon
items: rangers mark, 2 bottles (water), elvish bread, map(pan), elves, rangers and demons book, map(native region), compass, fire making kit, tent, torch
Money: 10 silver

"swiped it from the king to prevent him from releasing an invincible evil. if your wondering, >insert summary of backstory here<"

3,415 posts

"wow, thats.... wow.... so are we trying to get to the elves?"

anyway as you travel (by foot, you don't have a steed) you meet a man on ox with a case full of sheep meat riding by you "hello there travela's what'ya doin' near elf forest?"

13,701 posts

name: Talow
weapon: hand-and-a-half sword.
secondary wep.: dagger
steed: Baby dragon
items: rangers mark, 2 bottles (water), elvish bread, map(pan), elves, rangers and demons book, map(native region), compass, fire making kit, tent, torch
Money: 10 silver

"just exploring..." i get a very bad feeling

3,415 posts

"ah, where d'ya came from" he asks "Pan" Dyrall replies "ah, im from Pan too, used to have a meat buisness but I ran outa buisness cause all ma' sheep died mystriously" he says, then Dyrall replies, "are you by any chance ol' myken sir?" the man looks surprised "why yes I am, how'd ya know?" then Dyrall says, "we just came from Pan, oh we solved the sheep mystery, it was a wolf that was enchanted by a criminal magician" the mans eyes widen with awe "holy angles! I guess I can go back to my buisness! Thnak you so much" he waves you off, then you see something in the distance approaching him, then you see him fall down from the ox, the figures blade slashed him, then you recognize the figure... black armor.... large black horse... long sword...


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