you were a ranger, your grandfather a legend that died fighting off foul creatures aiming to destroy the land. The demons were after an ancient artifact, if the artifact is destroyed a power of evil that is invincible would be unleashed upon the world, your dad died killing a warlock that wanted to destroy the artifact. yeras later the artifact was found by a peasent and served him as a tax to the king, the king found the artifact and let the priests find out the artifact's prophecy, though they mis-interpreted it, telling the king the destroyer of the artifact would become invincible in strength, and so the king wanted to destroy it, though it could only be destroyed in the middle of the elf forest, a place protected by a gigantic animal guardian. He heard of you, you had a knack for making animals trust you, and in fighting monsters too, he also knew about the mark, the ranger's mark. That sacred mark passed on generation to generation in your family gives its owner an enchatment making monsters and animals alike trust you and not attack you. And so he sent you on a quest to kill the guardian, in return he promised to give you the artifact which you knew the actual prophecy of, you killed the guardian and wanted to claim your price, but the king had evil in his heart, and so he set an assasin to kill you once you were in the castle and make it look like he was trying to get the artifact too, only he didn't succed, you understood your situation quick enough.. and so you grabed the artifact, charged out the castle and rode your steed to safety, there are still assasins on your tracks, you have to finally keep the artifact safe!
you are the wanderer
character list:
name: weapon: (something reasonable like a long sword or a bow or something) secondary wep.: (dagger, short bow, whatever...) steed: (make it not over-powered, you can be craetive like a large tiger or magic elf or whatever or just have a horse or whatever) items: rangers mark, some water, elvish bread
name: Simon weapon: Broadsword secondary: composite bow steed: An aligater sized centipede items:rangers mark,artifact, map(pan), 3 rolled breast(sheep),2 legs(sheep),zephi's booze,stolen pie money: 6 silver
well aint that great, mustang, i hope to god you didn't eat the gaurds Iput the arrow back in my quiver and the bow on my back and run to the gates as fast as i can through the back alleys of pan, as to not alert anyone. I also not so humbly, steal a pie off of a window sill and tuck it into my bag before i burn my hands petty, maybe. but they owe me for my troubles i thought to myself.
anyway you run to the gates, you arrive there and you still see the caterpillar with some chains around him and guards hanging around
Talow: you play with your dragon a bit, then something weird happens, a huge, 6-legged elk passes near you, it seems almost not to notice you, then it turns around and stares at the fire.... It just stands there, looking at the fire, you feel your ranger's mark glow growing...
(i dont know what you mean by caterpillar, so i'll assume its my centipede)
well ain't this great I thought. I moved back behind the wall and notched an arrow to my bow. I shot the arrow , and several more,straight over the wall, then a cammanded "Realease the creature, or may you feal the wrath of The Hauning Ranger!" I tried to sound as forboding, formidable and ominous as i could.
mechinija: oh hello you want to join? You might want to make the steed not that over-powered, also you won't be a mage so I think a mage staff isn't exactly a good choice... also this is a pretty hard RPG and may take long planning responses and stuff that might be hard for you.... oh and add "artifact" to items and add a money category and put down "50 silvers"
Talow: you wake Dyrall up "what is it my time yet?" he says but then he shuts up when he sees the elk "what the hell do you think is that? It's the size of a god**** dragon! And look at those legs!"
Simon: woops ye caterpillar/ centipede it's all just the same :P anyway
by the way it seems kinda weird, you do know you are suppose to be a hero and stuff nah? -,-
but ok, I can't control your actions so the guards take out their own bows "are you threatnin' the city guard sy'r?"
well being a hero wasn't in the job description, and it is my centipede. oh and sorry if my inventory fluctuates, i forget things, like booze and the empty bottle.
oh dear sweet lord i thought how am i going to get outta this one I realized that the walls bounced the sound around, and that they probably didn't know where i was. here goes everything. "I DO NOT THREATEN ANYONE" I yelled in a booming voice "I SIMPLY CONVEY THE WILL OF GOD" hopefully they're not as smart as they look, "REALESE THE CREATURE AND I SHALL NOT SMITE YOU" im so done for I thought. "SO TELL ME, HUMANS, WILL I SMITE YOU?"
the guards laugh again, "excuse me sir, are you drunk?"
Talow: "the ranger's mark applies to all animals" a voice from no where says "it calms them, with the right use it can also command them" the voice says. "Even the largest of monsters can be outdone with the ranger's mark... Just as you know, the fact you killed the guardian" the voice continues "You don't remember, you were in the heir trance as you did, the ranger's mark supplied you fabulous powers, enough to destroy a legion of demons by yourself... It also gave you clues, you used them to kill the guardian.."
well hasn't my excursion gone all to heck. There might also be some environmental differences, i thought the city had a large wall surrounding it, please tell me otherwise.
I make loud choking and fighting noises and then yell "god dang drunk, shut up already" THANK HEAVONS THERE"S A WALL BETWEEN ME AND THE GAURDS i thought if there wasn't I'd be dead and screwed, and because they can't see they can't be sure whats going on i thought. I rubbed my hands and blade against my raw meat, bloodying them, before walking outside of the gates. "ahoy there guards, there was an annoying drunk behind the walls yelling, so i crippled him, i hope theres no trouble. Oh, my centipede. do you mind unchaining him, im just about to go, i just have one little thing i need to check but its better if he's freed up so i can go." I was desperatly trying to figure out what would work in this situation.
"ok, no need to cripple him though, tell us if you find one out of the tavern..." then they release the centipede...
Talow: "it runs in your soul, every generation of your family can have it, it brings amazing power, legend tells of your ancestor 3000 years ago, making a deal with the god of nature... none knows why or how. Only the effect... It happens when you are to battle or help a creature made from the heavens... and the guardian was just that... though the guardian isn't dead forever... the spell that made it replenishes itself... though in not enough time I fear, I don't only fear, the forest fears that and sends it's feelings through me..." the voice says
"thank you" i say to the gaurds "now don't bother them, you know what, go over there as so you don't bother them" i tell mustang, and of course he happily obliges. "I'll be right back, I tell the gaurds," and with that i headed back through the alleys, wiping of my unnecasarily bloody hands thinking that turned out better than i thought it would. I headed off towards zephi's farms at a leisurely pace. its only about an hour after noon i think, looking at the sun, i've got plenty of time.