I know it's strange but I want to learn the basics of flash before downloading everything free trial included (plz don't argue this I have my reasons so I read a few tutorials, one about as2 and one about as3. Well maybe I'm crazy but I found as2 easy and intuitive and as3 HARD and ABSTRUSE. So can some flash cs5 holder tell me if you can make and use as2 files too?
When you open up flash, it should give you an option. Whether to open it with AS3 or AS2. Pick which one you want to use. You can't have both in the same flash file.
If I were you, I would start learning AS3, because if you learn AS2 first, you will have a hard time switching to AS3.
Not even close. HTML is an oddity since it's only purpose is to make a visual skeleton of a page with some interactivity while all other languages are not confined like that.