You are a boy/girl who hopes to be a Sith/Jedi/Bounty Hunter/Senator/clone commander when you grow up. Your race is Twi'lek/Human/thousands of others, pick one. You hope for peace/chaos in the galaxy.
oh oh sorry. So the hologram of Mace Windu said "How nice to meet you Senator Rankin. We are trying to ensure your freedom. 'This is to the Trade Federation! We demand you release the Senator or we shall declare war on the Trade Federation and we will still rescue her only with more blood and gore on your side of the battlefield! Surrender now or feel the wrath of the Republic!'"
Name:Unit 376 "Sky Eye" Age: 1 year Bio:was built in a robot production facility on geonosis and participated in the bttle of geonosis,survived and was promoted and fought through many other small skirmishes. weapons preferred:Shotgun, F-187 Fusioncutter, Detpack, Health and Ammo dispenser Race: Droid Class: Pilot/engineer weapons:Shotgun,Detpacks (3) items: F-187 Fusioncutter, Health and Ammo Dispenser food:not needed transportation:none friends:none Allegiance: Trade federation/CIS
Name:Unit 376 "Sky Eye" Age: 1 year Bio:was built in a robot production facility on geonosis and participated in the bttle of geonosis,survived and was promoted and fought through many other small skirmishes. weapons preferred:Shotgun, F-187 Fusioncutter, Detpack, Health and Ammo dispenser Race: Droid Class: Pilot/engineer weapons:Shotgun,Detpacks (3) items: F-187 Fusioncutter, Health and Ammo Dispenser food:not needed transportation:none friends:none Allegiance: Trade federation/CIS
clones won't shoot me if a senator is on the line, i grab him/her by the scruff of the neck and drag him/her with me shotgun still at the ready
Name:Unit 376 "Sky Eye" Age: 1 year Bio:was built in a robot production facility on geonosis and participated in the bttle of geonosis,survived and was promoted and fought through many other small skirmishes. weapons preferred:Shotgun, F-187 Fusioncutter, Detpack, Health and Ammo dispenser Race: Droid Class: Pilot/engineer weapons:Shotgun,Detpacks (3) items: F-187 Fusioncutter, Health and Ammo Dispenser food:not needed transportation:none friends:none Allegiance: Trade federation/CIS
shoot a clone, to show i'm not messing around, then get the others to follow
Name: Darth Revan Age: 21 Gender: Male Bio:After destroying the Mandalorian army and killing Mandalore solo, Revan became the Dark Lord of the Sith. weapons preferred: Lightsaber Race: Human Class: Dark Lord of the Sith, Sith Lord weapons: Lightsaber items: Smoke Bombs food: Will find transportation:none friends: Malak Allegiance: The Sith Empire
Name:Unit 376 "Sky Eye" Age: 1 year Bio:was built in a robot production facility on geonosis and participated in the bttle of geonosis,survived and was promoted and fought through many other small skirmishes. weapons preferred:Shotgun, F-187 Fusioncutter, Detpack, Health and Ammo dispenser Race: Droid Class: Pilot/engineer weapons:Shotgun,Detpacks (3) items: F-187 Fusioncutter, Health and Ammo Dispenser food:not needed transportation:none friends:none Allegiance: Trade federation/CIS
i am slowly heading towards the door, with the others if they make a move, i kill him/her
Name: Darth Revan Age: 21 Gender: Male Bio:After destroying the Mandalorian army and killing Mandalore solo, Revan became the Dark Lord of the Sith. weapons preferred: Lightsaber Race: Human Class: Dark Lord of the Sith, Sith Lord weapons: Lightsaber items: Smoke Bombs food: Will find transportation:none friends: Malak Allegiance: The Sith Empire
"Malak" name sounds familiar but im sorry i dont renember who it is. And wait. You DESTROYED the planet Mandalore single-handedly???!!!
Name:Unit 376 "Sky Eye" Age: 1 year Bio:was built in a robot production facility on geonosis and participated in the bttle of geonosis,survived and was promoted and fought through many other small skirmishes. weapons preferred:Shotgun, F-187 Fusioncutter, Detpack, Health and Ammo dispenser Race: Droid Class: Pilot/engineer weapons:Shotgun,Detpacks (3) items: F-187 Fusioncutter, Health and Ammo Dispenser food:not needed transportation:none friends:none Allegiance: Trade federation/CIS
you walk through the door and into a clone trooper-lined hallway. At the end there is one of Rankin's maids. The maid and Rankin (sorry, i didnt say. shes a girl) started laughing. According to them Rankin and her maid switched places! Rankin was the maid and the maid was Rankin! (you know where i got that from. lol) they may be bluffing or not. you dont know. All of a sudden Mace Windu and Shaak Ti come in behind the maid?/Rankin?. What do you do?
Name: Darth Revan Age: 21 Gender: Male Bio:After destroying the Mandalorian army and killing Mandalore solo, Revan became the Dark Lord of the Sith. weapons preferred: Lightsaber Race: Human Class: Dark Lord of the Sith, Sith Lord weapons: Lightsaber items: Smoke Bombs food: Will find transportation:none friends: Malak Allegiance: The Sith Empire
No LOL, not the planet, Mandalore is the leader of the Mandalorians. Also, it's all from KOTOR[huge fan]
Name:Unit 376 "Sky Eye" Age: 1 year Bio:was built in a robot production facility on geonosis and participated in the bttle of geonosis,survived and was promoted and fought through many other small skirmishes. weapons preferred:Shotgun, F-187 Fusioncutter, Detpack, Health and Ammo dispenser Race: Droid Class: Pilot/engineer weapons:Shotgun,Detpacks (3) items: F-187 Fusioncutter, Health and Ammo Dispenser food:not needed transportation:none friends:none Allegiance: Trade federation/CIS
easy, point my gun at the maid and act like i'ma pull the trigger, if it was the real one they would react, even slightly, if they don't shoot the maid and continue on with the rest of us droids, also call in the trade federation there is no way they're not here (all the droids were controlled via giant ship computers that gave them basic commands the point of the droids was cheap and a lot not tactical so they weren't even given their own A.I.)
All of a sudden your fellow battle droids come in through the door behind you. "Roger, Roger." And then the clones and droids get into a massive fight. Do you continue holding maid/rankin or rankin/maid at gunpoint? or join the fight?
Name:Unit 376 "Sky Eye" Age: 1 year Bio:was built in a robot production facility on geonosis and participated in the bttle of geonosis,survived and was promoted and fought through many other small skirmishes. weapons preferred:Shotgun, F-187 Fusioncutter, Detpack, Health and Ammo dispenser Race: Droid Class: Pilot/engineer weapons:Shotgun,Detpacks (3) items: F-187 Fusioncutter, Health and Ammo Dispenser food:not needed transportation:none friends:none Allegiance: Trade federation/CIS
Name: Darth Revan Age: 21 Gender: Male Bio:After destroying the Mandalorian army and killing Mandalore solo, Revan became the Dark Lord of the Sith. weapons preferred: Lightsaber Race: Human Class: Dark Lord of the Sith, Sith Lord weapons: Lightsaber items: Smoke Bombs food: Will find transportation:none friends: Malak Allegiance: The Sith Empire
OH OH. Which planet would you like to go first? Do you have a master? What are your current objectives?
Name:Unit 376 "Sky Eye" Age: 1 year Bio:was built in a robot production facility on geonosis and participated in the bttle of geonosis,survived and was promoted and fought through many other small skirmishes. weapons preferred:Shotgun, F-187 Fusioncutter, Detpack, Health and Ammo dispenser Race: Droid Class: Pilot/engineer weapons:Shotgun,Detpacks (3) items: F-187 Fusioncutter, Health and Ammo Dispenser food:not needed transportation:none friends:none Allegiance: Trade federation/CIS
The one dressed as a maid or the one dressed as a senator?