the year is 2241 the world we once knew is now nothing more then a scorched and barren wasteland. the ground shattered the wildlife gone, the oceans dried up, all in all completley uninhabital. but it didn't always look like this no 79 years ago the world was prospering very nicley until one man got tired of his life of mediocrity. at the time he was known simply as Dr.Blight a scientist that was labled a crackpot for his ideas on interdimentional travel. after so many years of ridicule he was determined to prove them wrong. but unfortunatley he succeded. now let me go back a bit, he wasn't ridiculed over his theory because he believed interdimentional travel, no he was ridiculed because of were he believed he could go. you see Dr.blight was an otaku if there ever was one he believed he could go to the realms of all his favorite intrests. they said he was crazy and that he was wrong but it was they who were wrong, well at least about his theorys but he was crazy he had to be if he thought he could control these forces. by the time Dr.Blight found out he coudln't control them it was to late. see they didn't have a problem with us they had a problen with each other they all wanted supremacy. so as can be expected war broke loose and unfortunatley the humans were caught in the cross fire. they were nearly wiped out they had to tak refugge in the other worlds there planet destroyed and good for nothing more than being a gateway to each other. but not all other realms wanted war others wanted harmony these worlds is were you are most likley to find humans.
this is the history that all realms have in common now it is up to you to take the fight
the realms are seperated into anime, video games, movies, books, and rpgs. each indivdual of the above listed realms has it's own world just because they are from the ame realm does not mean they are on good terms keep that in mind now here is your basic sheet's this one is for people who want to use a pre existing character Name: Age: Bio: Realm: World: Description: Attributes:these will go up Str:i'll fill this in Spd:i'll fill this in Agi:i'll fill this in Con:i'll fill this in Cha:i'll fill this in skills:i'll fill this in Powers: Weapons: Allies:i'll fill this in Enemies:i'll fill this in
for those that wan't to make your self Name: Age: Bio: Realm: World: Description: Attributes:these will go up you have a hundred points to work with Str: Int: Spd: Agi: Con: Cha: skills:see below Powers:choose your wor;d and i'll give you options Weapons: Allies:i'll fill this in Enemies:i'll fill this in universal skill weapons training(int/agi), martial arts training(str), medic training(int), vehical(int), enhaced reflexes(spd/agi) when you chose your world and realm i will give you more options alright now have fun begin the war
Name:Berek Age:28 Bio: Arrr matey i be Captian of the ship Black Dawn Realm: The 7th sea realm World:The mediterainnian Description: a pirate with 99% luck 1% skill Attributes:these will go up Str:15 Spd:20 Agi:15 Con:20 Cha:30 skills:rapid fire, the devils luck, rapid reload, two handed gunning, weapon finnesse cutlass Powers: Weapons: Allies:none Enemies:none
Name:Berek Age:28 Bio: Arrr matey i be Captian of the ship Black Dawn Realm: The 7th sea realm World:The mediterainnian Description: a pirate with 99% luck 1% skill Attributes:these will go up Str:15 Spd:20 Agi:15 Con:20 Cha:30 skills:rapid fire, the devils luck, rapid reload, two handed gunning, weapon finnesse cutlass Powers: Extermely lucky, Master Swordsman Weapons:8,Flint lock pistols, Cutlass, Broading axe, Swivel gun Allies:none Enemies:none
Name:Muad'deb Age:24 Bio:Muad'deb, the best way to describe him is:
He is the king of all the land In the Kingdom of the sands Of a time tomorrow.
He rules the sandworms and the Fremen In a land amongst the stars Of an age tomorrow.
He is destined to be a King He rules over everything On the land called planet Dune.
Bodywater is your life And without it you would die On the desert the planet Dune.
Without a stillsuit you would fry On the sands so hot and dry In a world called Arrakis.
It is a land that's rich in spice The sandriders and the "mice" That they call the "Muad'Dib".
He is the Kwizatz Haderach. He is born of Caladan And will take the Gom Jabbar.
He has the power to foresee Or to look into the past He is the ruler of the stars
The time will come for him to lay claim his crown, And then the foe yes they'll be cut down, You'll see he'll be the best that there's been, Messiah supreme true leader of men, And when the time for judgement's at hand Don't fret he's strong and he'll make a stand, Against evil and fire That spreads through the land, He has the power to make it all end. To Tame a Land -Iron Maiden
Realm: The Galatic Empire(Dune) World:Arrakis(Dune) Description: A desert man with glowing blue eyes, a stillsuit, rough facial features, and an army of Freman at his command Attributes:these will go up Str:10 Spd:20 Agi:20 Con:10 Cha:40 skills:Ambush Tactics, Knowledge: Politics, The "Weirding" Ways, Leadership, Weapons Training Powers:Foresight, "Dodge", Commanding Presence Weapons:Freman Ritual Dagger, Personal Shield Generator, Machine Gun Allies:Freman Enemies:The Galatic Emperor
so Berek your a blood thirsty captain with a cutthroat crew right now your a free agent what do you want to do be a merc and take jobs for any side or get involved in the war maybe find some new allies or more members for your crew also you have a crew of 44 what class of ship do you have and when you enter a new realm feel free to get some new tech if you can find it or afford it you currently have 62 gold
alright muad'deb were would like to head first and in search of an alliance or for war also i you want i can suggest a few desert areas if you want. legolas berek what are you dong