ForumsForum GamesDead Legions: Breakout

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Disclaimer: This RPG is not related in any way to any previous RPGs made by myself using the same title. Any relations is purely coencidental, and should be ignored.

Sincerely, Management.
Story Line:

==========Present Day==========

News Anchor: This just in: Scientist have released new reports claiming to have effectively countered the HIV Virus. Malificent Research Facilites, or MRF, has sent a represntative to discuss with us this groundbreaking research. So how did MRF achieve this?

MRF Rep.: Well, its quite simple really. We inserted a mild version of the HIV Virus into Human Test Subjects, in the hopes that we could recreate the affects of the Polio Vacine.

News Anchor: (speaking from earbud) So you're saying that you were hoping that the test subjects would develope a high resistance to the Virus, similar to what a Polio Vacine does with the dead virus?

MRF Rep.: Ah... Yes, that is basicaly what we were striving for.

News Anchor: And how many test subjects devloped a resistance to HIV?

MRF Rep.: Uh... Well, actually... All of them. And the subjects went further to develope an actual immunity to HIV and AIDs. This is beyond what we expected.

News Anchor: So you're saying that you have essentially cured HIV/AIDs?

MRF Rep.: Yes. We have.

==========Eight Months Later==========

Maverick4 presents to you, in association with Armor Games, an RPG on zombies, survival, alliances, betrayals, and much, much more:

And so this is where you, the player, comes in. You are just an average person. Maby you have a spouse, maby you have kids, or may be your just a college student. This RPG's goal is to attempt to provide an accurate and realistic scenario of a viral outbreak causing a plague of zombies. For more information, please continue reading the rest of this post.
General Information:


Type: Virus

Infection Spread: As the vacine is based off of HIV, the mutation still carries the ability to spread just like HIV. So any bodily fluids that come in contact with you that are infected with TITAN and enter into your body can infect you.

Virus History: Deloped by Malificent Research Facilites, or MRF, to combat the growing HIV/AIDs epidemic. The virus was distributed on a global scale as an effective vacine to protect or cure HIV/AIDs. However, the virus soon mutated, spreading like a wildfire among people. 80% died, 15% zombified, and 5% have a natural immunization against the viral mutation.

The virus gains control in a relatively simple manner: When it enters the host, it goes through the bloodstream, using blood cells to multiply. Going through the bloodstream it enters into the brain, where it begins the takeover. The virus infects the brain, and developes into a pseudo-parasite, forcing the brain to shut down non-vital functions, such as speach, digestion, and the kidneys. The virus produces a protein that prevents decomposition in the host, allowing it longer life. The host also gives the virus and the rest of the functioning organs its nutrients. Respitory system enlarges, to allow the brain more oxygen. The virus feeds off of the host, and it takes about 20 years for the host to lack sufficient nutrients to maintain the virus, causing death: both to the host and virus.

Infected Characteristics: The infection take about 10-30 minutes to gain control of the hose. The host (if human), quickly exibits irrational behavior (such as incoherrent speach, repeating random phrases, or sudden anger). As the virus gains more control, the host skin becomes bone white, while the veins become black. The iris expands to cover the entire eye, and no white is visible. As stated previously, the respitory system enlarges; the increased amount of air flowing down the windpipe and past the vocal cords means that the infected give off a slight whining noise, and occasionally a scream. Can't see very well; Daytime: Blurry images, average distance. Nightime: Attracted to lights, similar to bugs. Can walk, crawl, and lope at about 8MPH. Also has crazy good smelling, and sniffs the ground/air regularly.

Please, only 4 people for now. Later, I may allow more.---------------
Name: (Simple enough, I hope)
Occupation: (what your job was: (teacher, nurse, lawyer, etc) However, no military, police, firefighters, etc, 'survival experts' or anything like that; try to keep it average-joe, 'Americana')
Health: 20/20
Days Survived: 0
Equipment: (based off of your occupation: Nurse has medical stuff, etc)
Weapon: None
Special: (I will give you)
Physical Description: (what your character looks like)

The purpose of you playing the RPG, or 'How You Win', is to survive 50 Days (AG TIME) from when you start playing. After 50 Days are up, you get magically rescued, and 'you win'.

- I WILL try to kill you off. So don't go crying when you die. This is realistic, so if something doesn't work, it won't work. No retrys, no resets. You have one life, so play for it. And when you die, thats it; you can't join up again.

- Take this seriously. I'll tell you whats happening, and I won't give you any choices on what to do. Theres no A/B/C/D, YOU decide what to do. You make the right choice, you live. Make the wrong choice, you die. (see above note)

- Have fun. If it gets to much, you can quit. Don't enjoy it, you can quit. Seriously, if you have any major problems that inhibit your enjoyment, tell me, and I'll try to fix them (within reason)
That should be everything, and if not I'll post telling you what I missed. Enjoy.

  • 93 Replies
26,390 posts

Name: Michael Taylor
Age: 27.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Medical Resident: Neurosurgery
Physical Description: 6'0, Clean-Shaven, Black Hair(classic collegiate cut), Blue Eyes.
Health: 20/20
Days Survived: 1
Equipment: Antibiotics, Bandages, Tourniquet, Suture/Needle, Anesthetic, Antiseptic Agent, Surgical Scrubs.
Weapon: Surgical Saw.
Special: Novalis (like the machine, you can take on complex problems ease, and without stressing out)
Bio: Taylor was born to a pretty normal family; nuclear engineer for a dad, and a dean for a mom. Okay, so maybe that's not normal. That's genius material right there. Taylor was pressured a lot academically to do well, so even though he was pretty average, he studied a LOT, and grew up with a near-perfect GPA(think somewhere near 3.95) and a lot of ambition. He was accepted to an Ivy League college(his parents' encouragement of the dean of admissions may or may not have had something to do with it). So, he got a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and went on to medical school, where he got his M.D. He then went on to his residency, acquiring a job in Vancouver, Canada as a resident. He continued to take night classes throughout, and recently went from a bachelor's in biochem to a master's, but he still isn't licensed to practice yet, as he's only been a resident for two years.

Sneak up on the thingy and grab by throat. Don't strangle or anything, but...just in case I need it, I'll have the upper hand.

6,800 posts

Name: Michael Taylor
Age: 27.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Medical Resident: Neurosurgery
Physical Description: 6'0, Clean-Shaven, Black Hair(classic collegiate cut), Blue Eyes.
Health: 20/20
Days Survived: 1
Equipment: Antibiotics, Bandages, Tourniquet, Suture/Needle, Anesthetic, Antiseptic Agent, Surgical Scrubs.
Weapon: Surgical Saw.
Special: Novalis (like the machine, you can take on complex problems ease, and without stressing out)
Bio: Taylor was born to a pretty normal family; nuclear engineer for a dad, and a dean for a mom. Okay, so maybe that's not normal. That's genius material right there. Taylor was pressured a lot academically to do well, so even though he was pretty average, he studied a LOT, and grew up with a near-perfect GPA(think somewhere near 3.95) and a lot of ambition. He was accepted to an Ivy League college(his parents' encouragement of the dean of admissions may or may not have had something to do with it). So, he got a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and went on to medical school, where he got his M.D. He then went on to his residency, acquiring a job in Vancouver, Canada as a resident. He continued to take night classes throughout, and recently went from a bachelor's in biochem to a master's, but he still isn't licensed to practice yet, as he's only been a resident for two years.

You sneak up, then wrap your arms around its throat. It IS your room mate... sort of. He's become a zed, and begins to flail wildely. In the process, you recive several scratches on your arms from his... its, fingernails. Your on top of him, but hes still struggling...

26,390 posts

Name: Michael Taylor
Age: 27.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Medical Resident: Neurosurgery
Physical Description: 6'0, Clean-Shaven, Black Hair(classic collegiate cut), Blue Eyes.
Health: 20/20
Days Survived: 1
Equipment: Antibiotics, Bandages, Tourniquet, Suture/Needle, Anesthetic, Antiseptic Agent, Surgical Scrubs.
Weapon: Surgical Saw.
Special: Novalis (like the machine, you can take on complex problems ease, and without stressing out)
Bio: Taylor was born to a pretty normal family; nuclear engineer for a dad, and a dean for a mom. Okay, so maybe that's not normal. That's genius material right there. Taylor was pressured a lot academically to do well, so even though he was pretty average, he studied a LOT, and grew up with a near-perfect GPA(think somewhere near 3.95) and a lot of ambition. He was accepted to an Ivy League college(his parents' encouragement of the dean of admissions may or may not have had something to do with it). So, he got a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and went on to medical school, where he got his M.D. He then went on to his residency, acquiring a job in Vancouver, Canada as a resident. He continued to take night classes throughout, and recently went from a bachelor's in biochem to a master's, but he still isn't licensed to practice yet, as he's only been a resident for two years.

Use the surgical saw to decapitate it.

6,800 posts

Name: Michael Taylor
Age: 27.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Medical Resident: Neurosurgery
Physical Description: 6'0, Clean-Shaven, Black Hair(classic collegiate cut), Blue Eyes.
Health: 20/20
Days Survived: 1
Equipment: Antibiotics, Bandages, Tourniquet, Suture/Needle, Anesthetic, Antiseptic Agent, Surgical Scrubs.
Weapon: Surgical Saw.
Special: Novalis (like the machine, you can take on complex problems ease, and without stressing out)
Bio: Taylor was born to a pretty normal family; nuclear engineer for a dad, and a dean for a mom. Okay, so maybe that's not normal. That's genius material right there. Taylor was pressured a lot academically to do well, so even though he was pretty average, he studied a LOT, and grew up with a near-perfect GPA(think somewhere near 3.95) and a lot of ambition. He was accepted to an Ivy League college(his parents' encouragement of the dean of admissions may or may not have had something to do with it). So, he got a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and went on to medical school, where he got his M.D. He then went on to his residency, acquiring a job in Vancouver, Canada as a resident. He continued to take night classes throughout, and recently went from a bachelor's in biochem to a master's, but he still isn't licensed to practice yet, as he's only been a resident for two years.

You pull out your surgical saw, and swing it at its throat. It buries itself about halfway in, sending a spew of blood at the walls, the ceilfing... and your face. It begins to spasm, before lying still.

26,390 posts

Name: Michael Taylor
Age: 27.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Medical Resident: Neurosurgery
Physical Description: 6'0, Clean-Shaven, Black Hair(classic collegiate cut), Blue Eyes.
Health: 20/20
Days Survived: 1
Equipment: Antibiotics, Bandages, Tourniquet, Suture/Needle, Anesthetic, Antiseptic Agent, Surgical Scrubs.
Weapon: Surgical Saw.
Special: Novalis (like the machine, you can take on complex problems ease, and without stressing out)
Bio: Taylor was born to a pretty normal family; nuclear engineer for a dad, and a dean for a mom. Okay, so maybe that's not normal. That's genius material right there. Taylor was pressured a lot academically to do well, so even though he was pretty average, he studied a LOT, and grew up with a near-perfect GPA(think somewhere near 3.95) and a lot of ambition. He was accepted to an Ivy League college(his parents' encouragement of the dean of admissions may or may not have had something to do with it). So, he got a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and went on to medical school, where he got his M.D. He then went on to his residency, acquiring a job in Vancouver, Canada as a resident. He continued to take night classes throughout, and recently went from a bachelor's in biochem to a master's, but he still isn't licensed to practice yet, as he's only been a resident for two years.

Restrain the corpse just in case, get the blood off my face, and sterilize the scratches on my arms and any other injuries it may have dealt me. I don't want to take any chances.

6,800 posts

Name: Michael Taylor
Age: 27.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Medical Resident: Neurosurgery
Physical Description: 6'0, Clean-Shaven, Black Hair(classic collegiate cut), Blue Eyes.
Health: 20/20
Days Survived: 1
Equipment: Antibiotics, Bandages, Tourniquet, Suture/Needle, Anesthetic, Surgical Scrubs.
Weapon: Surgical Saw.
Special: Novalis (like the machine, you can take on complex problems ease, and without stressing out)
Bio: Taylor was born to a pretty normal family; nuclear engineer for a dad, and a dean for a mom. Okay, so maybe that's not normal. That's genius material right there. Taylor was pressured a lot academically to do well, so even though he was pretty average, he studied a LOT, and grew up with a near-perfect GPA(think somewhere near 3.95) and a lot of ambition. He was accepted to an Ivy League college(his parents' encouragement of the dean of admissions may or may not have had something to do with it). So, he got a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and went on to medical school, where he got his M.D. He then went on to his residency, acquiring a job in Vancouver, Canada as a resident. He continued to take night classes throughout, and recently went from a bachelor's in biochem to a master's, but he still isn't licensed to practice yet, as he's only been a resident for two years.

You restrain the corpse, and begin to wash yourself off using tap water. The attend to the scrapes and stractches on your arms, and use up your disinfectant on them. Only thing left to do now is wait; it will soon become obvious whether or not you've become infected.

26,390 posts

Name: Michael Taylor
Age: 27.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Medical Resident: Neurosurgery
Physical Description: 6'0, Clean-Shaven, Black Hair(classic collegiate cut), Blue Eyes.
Health: 20/20
Days Survived: 1
Equipment: Antibiotics, Bandages, Tourniquet, Suture/Needle, Anesthetic, Surgical Scrubs.
Weapon: Surgical Saw.
Special: Novalis (like the machine, you can take on complex problems ease, and without stressing out)
Bio: Taylor was born to a pretty normal family; nuclear engineer for a dad, and a dean for a mom. Okay, so maybe that's not normal. That's genius material right there. Taylor was pressured a lot academically to do well, so even though he was pretty average, he studied a LOT, and grew up with a near-perfect GPA(think somewhere near 3.95) and a lot of ambition. He was accepted to an Ivy League college(his parents' encouragement of the dean of admissions may or may not have had something to do with it). So, he got a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and went on to medical school, where he got his M.D. He then went on to his residency, acquiring a job in Vancouver, Canada as a resident. He continued to take night classes throughout, and recently went from a bachelor's in biochem to a master's, but he still isn't licensed to practice yet, as he's only been a resident for two years.

*checks watch*

1,577 posts

Occupation:Weapons Mechanic
Days Survived:0
Equipment:Wrench,screwdriver,hammer,drill,blowtorch,steel,iron,and jumper cables.
Special:??? You give it to us,right?
Bio:He always had creativity ever since he was 10.He grew up to be a weapons mechaniic and worked on army planes,battleships,and even monster trucks.He took college for 8 yrs and was so smart,he made the world's first laser gun!He can make almost anything out of anything with creativity.
Physical Description:Black hair w/ brown dyed tip.Neon blue jacket,(he invented that too. :3)and long jeans with big bootcamp boots.

Is this ok?

6,800 posts

Age: 16
Gender: M
Occupation: Mechanic
Health: 20/20
Days Survived: 0
Equipment: Wrench, screwdriver, hammer, drill, blowtorch, steel, iron, and jumper cables
Bio:He always had creativity ever since he was 10.He grew up to be a weapons mechaniic and worked on army planes,battleships,and even monster trucks.He took college for 8 yrs and was so smart,he made the world's first laser gun!He can make almost anything out of anything with creativity.
Physical Description:Black hair w/ brown dyed tip.Neon blue jacket,(he invented that too. :3)and long jeans with big bootcamp boots.

You would just be a mechanic...

DEWs are still on the drawing board, so you can't have a lazer for a weapon. Also, read the OP; no classes like military, police, etc. It'd be easier for you to just make it into a regular mechanic.

I would also get rid of some of your items. Thats alot of stuff to carry.

Your physical description is what you look like: hair color, height, weight, etc. Clothes would be more of an item.

6,800 posts

Name: Michael Taylor
Age: 27.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Medical Resident: Neurosurgery
Physical Description: 6'0, Clean-Shaven, Black Hair(classic collegiate cut), Blue Eyes.
Health: 20/20
Days Survived: 1
Equipment: Antibiotics, Bandages, Tourniquet, Suture/Needle, Anesthetic, Surgical Scrubs.
Weapon: Surgical Saw.
Special: Novalis (like the machine, you can take on complex problems ease, and without stressing out)
Bio: Taylor was born to a pretty normal family; nuclear engineer for a dad, and a dean for a mom. Okay, so maybe that's not normal. That's genius material right there. Taylor was pressured a lot academically to do well, so even though he was pretty average, he studied a LOT, and grew up with a near-perfect GPA(think somewhere near 3.95) and a lot of ambition. He was accepted to an Ivy League college(his parents' encouragement of the dean of admissions may or may not have had something to do with it). So, he got a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and went on to medical school, where he got his M.D. He then went on to his residency, acquiring a job in Vancouver, Canada as a resident. He continued to take night classes throughout, and recently went from a bachelor's in biochem to a master's, but he still isn't licensed to practice yet, as he's only been a resident for two years.

You wait nervously, glancing at your watch every now and then. After the uptenth time of looking at it, you notice somethings off...

Somethings... different...

OMG!!! Your watch was a vintage Mickey Mouse, and you never noticed! Wow!

Its about 3 in the morning, and your in your split level home...

26,390 posts

Name: Michael Taylor
Age: 27.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Medical Resident: Neurosurgery
Physical Description: 6'0, Clean-Shaven, Black Hair(classic collegiate cut), Blue Eyes.
Health: 20/20
Days Survived: 1
Equipment: Antibiotics, Bandages, Tourniquet, Suture/Needle, Anesthetic, Surgical Scrubs.
Weapon: Surgical Saw.
Special: Novalis (like the machine, you can take on complex problems ease, and without stressing out)
Bio: Taylor was born to a pretty normal family; nuclear engineer for a dad, and a dean for a mom. Okay, so maybe that's not normal. That's genius material right there. Taylor was pressured a lot academically to do well, so even though he was pretty average, he studied a LOT, and grew up with a near-perfect GPA(think somewhere near 3.95) and a lot of ambition. He was accepted to an Ivy League college(his parents' encouragement of the dean of admissions may or may not have had something to do with it). So, he got a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and went on to medical school, where he got his M.D. He then went on to his residency, acquiring a job in Vancouver, Canada as a resident. He continued to take night classes throughout, and recently went from a bachelor's in biochem to a master's, but he still isn't licensed to practice yet, as he's only been a resident for two years.

Search the place for anything useful; kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, garage, etc. I should be able to find something.
And then I'll start to examine and dissect the zombie corpse. Hey, I'm a neurosurgeon, maybe I can find a cure. At the very least, it will tell me more about the zombies, and knowledge is power.

6,800 posts

Name: Michael Taylor
Age: 27.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Medical Resident: Neurosurgery
Physical Description: 6'0, Clean-Shaven, Black Hair(classic collegiate cut), Blue Eyes.
Health: 20/20
Days Survived: 1
Equipment: Antibiotics, Bandages, Tourniquet, Suture/Needle, Anesthetic, Surgical Scrubs.
Weapon: Surgical Saw.
Special: Novalis (like the machine, you can take on complex problems ease, and without stressing out)
Bio: Taylor was born to a pretty normal family; nuclear engineer for a dad, and a dean for a mom. Okay, so maybe that's not normal. That's genius material right there. Taylor was pressured a lot academically to do well, so even though he was pretty average, he studied a LOT, and grew up with a near-perfect GPA(think somewhere near 3.95) and a lot of ambition. He was accepted to an Ivy League college(his parents' encouragement of the dean of admissions may or may not have had something to do with it). So, he got a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and went on to medical school, where he got his M.D. He then went on to his residency, acquiring a job in Vancouver, Canada as a resident. He continued to take night classes throughout, and recently went from a bachelor's in biochem to a master's, but he still isn't licensed to practice yet, as he's only been a resident for two years.

You look around the house, and find out your land lord had a Beretta 9mm. Its a 10 round clip, and theres 30 rounds total.

You've got some standard clothes in your closet: Jacket, Jeans, etc, etc.

A small assortment of kitchen utensils, canned goods, and dried goods in both kitchens.

Some bikes, yard equipment, and fertilizer in the garage.

(Tell me what you want to take, and your Char will be updated accordingly.)

You begin your disection of the Zombie, your ex-landlord. He must have turned into a Zed only recently, but he's already undergone some drastic changes. You notice several things:

1) The lungs are of a larger size than normal. Its not much, just slightly bigger then what you would expect.

2) The blood is deep, deep red, almost black, while the skin is extremely pale.

3) You also notice something highly important: the zed's frontal lobe, while not lobotomized, doesn't appear to have any affects on the body...

26,390 posts

Name: Michael Taylor
Age: 27.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Medical Resident: Neurosurgery
Physical Description: 6'0, Clean-Shaven, Black Hair(classic collegiate cut), Blue Eyes.
Health: 20/20
Days Survived: 1
Equipment: Antibiotics, Bandages, Tourniquet, Suture/Needle, Anesthetic, Surgical Scrubs.
Weapon: Surgical Saw.
Special: Novalis (like the machine, you can take on complex problems ease, and without stressing out)
Bio: Taylor was born to a pretty normal family; nuclear engineer for a dad, and a dean for a mom. Okay, so maybe that's not normal. That's genius material right there. Taylor was pressured a lot academically to do well, so even though he was pretty average, he studied a LOT, and grew up with a near-perfect GPA(think somewhere near 3.95) and a lot of ambition. He was accepted to an Ivy League college(his parents' encouragement of the dean of admissions may or may not have had something to do with it). So, he got a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and went on to medical school, where he got his M.D. He then went on to his residency, acquiring a job in Vancouver, Canada as a resident. He continued to take night classes throughout, and recently went from a bachelor's in biochem to a master's, but he still isn't licensed to practice yet, as he's only been a resident for two years.

I'll take the Beretta, one bike, the clothes, and the dry goods. I guess I'll carry most of it in a backpack if I have one, or I might just stow it in my truck.
The frontal lobe? Well, that's interesting.
Anyway, I'll get the aforementioned stuff and barricade my place up as best I can using the yard equipment and anything I can find. I won't be holing up here for long, but a safe place to sleep would be nice for a few nights, until I can find somewhere better.

6,800 posts

Name: Michael Taylor
Age: 27.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Medical Resident: Neurosurgery
Physical Description: 6'0, Clean-Shaven, Black Hair(classic collegiate cut), Blue Eyes.
Health: 20/20
Days Survived: 1
Equipment: Antibiotics, Bandages, Tourniquet, Suture/Needle, Anesthetic, 5 Cans/Soup, 4 Bags/Trailmix
Weapon: Beretta 9mm (10/30)
Head: None
Torso: T-Shirt, Jacket
Left Hand: None
Right Hand: Beretta 9mm
Legs: Jeans
Feet: Tennis Shoes
Vehicle: Bike
Special: Novalis (like the machine, you can take on complex problems with ease, and without stressing out)
Bio: Taylor was born to a pretty normal family; nuclear engineer for a dad, and a dean for a mom. Okay, so maybe that's not normal. That's genius material right there. Taylor was pressured a lot academically to do well, so even though he was pretty average, he studied a LOT, and grew up with a near-perfect GPA(think somewhere near 3.95) and a lot of ambition. He was accepted to an Ivy League college(his parents' encouragement of the dean of admissions may or may not have had something to do with it). So, he got a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and went on to medical school, where he got his M.D. He then went on to his residency, acquiring a job in Vancouver, Canada as a resident. He continued to take night classes throughout, and recently went from a bachelor's in biochem to a master's, but he still isn't licensed to practice yet, as he's only been a resident for two years.

(I really, really, REALLY need to think Char sheets out better...)

You can mess around with the clothes/equipment, as long as its not too fancy. I also went to the liberty of removing some items that have better replacements (Scrubs, Saw).

You begin to barricade yourself into the home. You don't have enough to cover all the doors and windows on the bottom floor, so you instead barricade the only acces point to the second floor: the stairs.

You haven't eaten in a whle, and use one bag of trailmix.

You go to sleep. (I'll assume your next post is after you wake up)

Its about 5 in the morning...

26,390 posts

Name: Michael Taylor
Age: 27.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Medical Resident: Neurosurgery
Physical Description: 6'0, Clean-Shaven, Black Hair(classic collegiate cut), Blue Eyes.
Health: 20/20
Days Survived: 1
Equipment: Antibiotics, Bandages, Tourniquet, Suture/Needle, Anesthetic, 5 Cans/Soup, 4 Bags/Trailmix
Weapon: Beretta 9mm (10/30)
Head: None
Torso: T-Shirt, Jacket
Left Hand: None
Right Hand: Beretta 9mm
Legs: Jeans
Feet: Tennis Shoes
Vehicle: Bike
Special: Novalis (like the machine, you can take on complex problems with ease, and without stressing out)
Bio: Taylor was born to a pretty normal family; nuclear engineer for a dad, and a dean for a mom. Okay, so maybe that's not normal. That's genius material right there. Taylor was pressured a lot academically to do well, so even though he was pretty average, he studied a LOT, and grew up with a near-perfect GPA(think somewhere near 3.95) and a lot of ambition. He was accepted to an Ivy League college(his parents' encouragement of the dean of admissions may or may not have had something to do with it). So, he got a bachelor's degree in biochemistry and went on to medical school, where he got his M.D. He then went on to his residency, acquiring a job in Vancouver, Canada as a resident. He continued to take night classes throughout, and recently went from a bachelor's in biochem to a master's, but he still isn't licensed to practice yet, as he's only been a resident for two years.

I'll report back to the hospital and tell them what I've found out about the zombie.

Showing 46-60 of 93