This is a game where you apologize to the person above you. Ex.Person 1.I'm sorry that you're bored Person 2.I'm sorry that you replied to this topicEnjoy!
This is a very *kind* thread. I'm sorry for enjoying this post.
I'm sorry that you were the first one to reply to this thread
I'm sorry that you're only one of two people posting on this thread.Btw, can you apologise for anything, or just to the person above you? Ex: I'm sorry that there is so much war going on.
i'm sorry you had to ask that
I'm sorry this thred sucks
I'm sorry you didn't apologise to Blackstar.
i'm sorry you took that into consideration
I'm sorry Unlimited spelled "Thread" wrong.
i'm sorry that had to be said
I'm sorry for posting.
I'm always sorry for being sorry, so there. What do you say when somebody tells you you don't have to be sorry? SORRY, rotfl!
I'm sorry for double posting, but I just had to, rotflmao!
Im sorry for head-shooting you with a SPAS-12 shotgun.... it was a real big mistake and I regret it...
i lost my sense of balance -.-i'm sorry that your insane.
I'm sorry you got ninja'd! rotfl, I CAN'T BREATHE, rotflmao!
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