after 100 years of peace the undead declare war on the demons for control of the under land. after 10 years of war the undead are about to collapse from lack of resources while the demons have become stripped of there many forces and now are lower than make matters worse the war awakened the dragons that had been dormant for over 1,000 years.which side will you choose.will you lead your side to victory.or will you fail and cause your side to become conquered.
char sheet: name: age:16- hp: mana: lvl:1 exp:0/15 sideundead or demon) classpick below) rankdiff for demon and undead) gold:50 inventory weapons: armor: magic: misc: stats:15 strengthcontrols how much damage you do with melee weapons) agilitycontrols how fast you move) enduranceevery 3 points here is another 10 hp) intelligencecontrols your ranged accuracy and damage.every 3 points here is 10 mana) squadill make) petslook below)
classes your class upgrades at level 5,then level 10
skeleton:the basic undead unit.weak when alone but strong in numbers.+1 agility.upgrades to skeletal archer or brawler,then skeletal sharp shooter or skeletal warrior.
walking dead:the infection spreading mass.+1 endurance.upgrades to zombie infecter or zombie spitter,then zombie disease spreader or zombie restorer
demon fighter:the backbone of the demon army.+1 strength.upgrades to demon warrior or demon warlock, demon champion or fire demon
pit fiend:keeps the smaller creatures like imps and hell hounds in line.+1 to intelligence.upgrades to pit caster or pit master, then pit mage or pit whip master
undead gravedigger bone gnawer flesh eater bone smasher raiser of the dead master of the dead
demon imp spawner dark soul ****ed warrior ****ed knight ****ed champion death
undead black widow(big) dark crow(big) captured soul
demons fire imp hell hound fire charger(horse)
that's all i have for now.these are based off of heroes of might and magic.i don't think i missed anything. ask if you have any questions
as you head there you notice an imp being beat up bye a pit to mind your own business you say to yourself and keep get to the training grounds and find yourself being handed a weapon bye a big demon.he says"get to training then ill find you a squad" you see some things to attack.what now
he yells at an imp and it scurries over to you and says "this way master".you follow it a ways over to another demon.he hands you a big blade."go kill some targets"you see some targets.what now
he says"hah new recruit... how do they expect me to get new weapons for them".a corrupted imp runs up and mumbles something to him.he says"alright just got a shipment of new weapons.first do you want a bow or sword.
you claw and punch without much affect to the boards.a pi fiend walks up and gives you a training annihilate the boards(+3 exp)(quest complete+5 exp) and the demon walks up and says"lets go get you a squad".you walk with him to a group of 3 demons and say"here is your new meat".Parthia walks up to you and says"alright well lets head to the stables".you walk up to the stables and an imp gives you an fire charger.the pit master says "get ready were heading out".you get the last of your head out on a Renaissance mission and as you are walking human swordsmen run out of the surrounding plants and attack your and magenta get separated from the rest of the group.what now
swordsmen:1 hp:10/10 lvl:1
swordsmen:2 hp:15/15 lvl:1
swordsman:3 hp:20/20 lvl:2
priest:1 hp:15/15 lvl:2
by the way you cant ride the fire charger till level 5
you got separated from Parthia and whip the priest and get a critical hit then do a quick slash -5hp killing the priest+6exp.magenta punches swordsmen 3 as hard as he can-10hp and swordsman 3 goes flying into the bushes.swordsman1 and 2 attack magenta-15hp.what now
you demolish the targets+4exp the demon walks up to you and says"you need more training... how about you go kill some rebellious is a hell hound to help back to me when you've killed five of them.there by the portal over there". you can go after the large group of imps or the small group of imps.