In this game you are a player that is playing in a virtual game. The main objective is to survive by killing stuff.You gain upgrade points which you can use in shops to upgrade your weapon,gain items or get better weapons.I will draw a map which indicates Map 1.Each map has 10 waves.At the last wave there is a boss which is harder each map. On each map there is a certain thing.On one map there will be zombies while on the second one will be Angry Politicians. Each map will have advantages and disadvanteges.Also each thing will have resistances and weakness'. There is also a sheet that will represent you.This is that sheet:
Name: Age: Gender: Health:100/100 Items: PerkCreate one) Description: BioWhy did you come and play this game)
You can combine stuff to gain better stuff.If you dont know how just tell me so i can give you "Chuck Greene-Combining Book". There you will find a lot of stuff you can create. On each map there will be diffrent stuff.Like on one map there will be swords while on the other one will have bazzokas(Just a excample) Everytime a wave finishes you have 10 hours until the other wave will begin.
If there are any questions,ask me!
Also dont go super mega man or anything like i slice the zombies head with my glass of Ultra Doom from death.Go like "I take my peice of glass and try to get behind the zombie so i cal slice his throat.".
Each map can have a max of 4 players.Each time a map finishes you can not play again(This only counts if other players dont want to join).Sometimes Enemy can drop resources,weapons,armor or even Misc items which you can sell in the shop for upgrade points.Each kill gives 10 upgrade points.The player that kills the boss will gain 100 upgrade points.The players that shot the boss but didnt kill him get 50 upgrade points.The player that didnt shoot the boss but only ran away from it gains 10 upgrade points.
The first 4 players to join will play the first map.Once 4 players join i will create the map.