ForumsGame WalkthroughsAge of War*Normal Mode*

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93 posts

Yeah, i know this has been done many times... But not this exact guide!
Caveman Age- 2 clubmen and 1 slingshot and repeat the pattern until you have 4,000 Exp then evolve ASAP *Tip: Use the special for big money when they start bringing out dino riders!*
Medival Age- repeat the extremely effective 2 melee 1 range strategy. Dont bother with more than 2 or 3 knights, and try to keep atleast 500gold on you for the next age. Again, use the special when nescesary to keep them controlled near their own base. If you did things correctly you should do a little damage to their base this age(if you didnt no big deal).
3rd age(im not quite sure what you would call it)
Again use 2 melee 1 range technique, but this time use ALL of your money on it until near the end... If you did things right they should have less than 100 health on the base and have around 7000 gold at the end of this age. *TIP: use the special everytime it's up... this age's special adds damage and health/defence bounuses to all units on the field.*
Military Age: Now the base should have less than 100 health... If it dosnt keep going with the 2 melee 1 range technique. Okay so spend your 7000+gold on all machine gunners (2000$ troops)(use the special almost immedatly when you change ages it clears the path for your troops) after about 6-7 troops the castle should be dead and the game won! Congratulations! If not you didnt do something right or you just got unlucky! keep going with 2 melee 1 range technique...In the space age try and get the most expensive cannon because it can spawn trap the enemy team.

*This Method has been tested 5 times and has been sucessful each and every time*
For more guides, Tips, Tricks, and more post a message on my page and ill get back to you as soon as i can!


  • 6 Replies
93 posts

Lol Feedback would be nice?

247 posts

Thanks, I'll be sure to try out this strategy next time I'm playing AoW. It'd be awesome if you could work out a strategy for the second game, but that's more open and there are tons of upgrades. Also, making the whole thing into separate paragraphs would be nice, just double-space between the different age strategies and reading this would be twice as easy.

7 posts

i AlwAyS gEt aN eGg LaUncHeRs It HeLPs ReAl wElL 4 mE

1 posts

Is it a glitch or a method of preventig a stalemate at the end of the game that the most expensive space cannon can hit the enemy building?

2,420 posts

Just last until the second to last age and then just buy four double machine guns and then just sit back for an hour and then evolve to next age. Then, buy as many super soldiers. You should win in like five seconds.

283 posts

also, at the end, four of the best space cannon can stop space tank after space tank, so if you run low on money, just build that and sit back for a bit. then send out the super soldiers like kevin above me says

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