srry guys. ok Zorsca,I MEAN VOLCANO. sonic heroes95 you go to the village after that decent meal to see if there were any other dragons.Instead,you find a bunch of hunters.3 choices.
2.freeze all of them them slice the ice w/ your talons.
DV, you survive the attack w/ the altitrus clan dragon. Then u go 2 find some grub. You go into a cave were a human is making shelter.He doesn't notice you're there. 2 options.
1.sneak upon the walls to get grub and get out.
2.make a loud noise outside the cave to distract him them get food
Afterwards,you climb out and see a bunch of knights! They thought the roar was a real lion so they climbed up the mountain to see what was up. 4 options.
It's 8:00 in the morning. The villagers are awoken as well as u r. You look for breakfast and you conveniently fins a metal rock (iron ore) shaped into a pan.You decide to make a fire to stay warm since it's the 1st day of Winter.You go out and fly making a shield of fire to heat you while you're flying. You finally find a chicken and a pig. You squeeze an egg out of the chicken and roll the pig over the fire to make breakfast. Then you hear a rumbling noise and see a cyclops! It was attracted by the smell of your breakfast! 1 option.
sonic heroes95,you go to an old abandoned power plant to look for clues of your mother and father's disappearence.You see a power core. You try to touch it to be more powerful.Instead,you get a shocking surprise! Your core-mixed now! Now you're part ice and part electricity. You now have new weapons! lightning talons,and plazma wings! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Tom Razer, you find a baby deer frolicking or whatever,so you sneak up on him ...then......BAMMMMM!!!! Fresh deer for dinner. And the knight that escaped Divilus saw you and went to tell the king that there was more then one dragon.