First you are going to need a place to host your site. Some ISPs allow you to use some space on their website; however, you will be limited in many things and your domain, or rather location, will be very long. Check your ISP's site for more information. You could also host a site on your own network if you know enough about networking. The best way to host your site is to simply get a host. You won't need a dedicated host unless you're doing some advanced stuff. I use hostm which cost only $150 for two years of hosting, 800GB of space, and 8000GB of data transfer. You will also need a domain. Domains run for about $8.
Here's How I did it 1)I went to and bought a domain and hosting 2) It was looking pretty bad so I bought adobe Dreamweaver 3) it still looks bad since I'm trying to get my FTP to work.
Also, if you want to get a site for free, you can get a sub-domain at a site like geocites or freewebs, although there will be restrictions. If you are going to use your site frequently, I would recommend just buying your own domain.