The objective of the game is to create the most powerful hybrid species of all!!!!!!
you start off w/ 2 elements.Depending on what your stats are I will tell you your 2 starting elelments.You must first have a random being(cannot be made up,only hybrids can)You must also create machines to incubate your species in.
EX. starting elements:fire and rock fire + rock=metal metal + rock = ore ore + fire =aluminum aluminum + fire = glass and so on...
remember to also mix your lab animal w/your elements
EX. lizard + air =baby wyvern
from these elements you have to create the most efficient lab,and mostpowerful hybrid species
This is how I will determine your starting elements and you'll not just get your 1st 2 elements,this is how you interact in the story.
Char Sheet
Name:name Gender:M or F Genre:sci-fi,fantasy,mystery,or comic book Skills:any skills (at least 2) xp:the amount of current then total xp elements:number of elements lab-animals:name of animal or number of animals hybrids:name of hybrid or number of hybrids money:everyone start w/$1,000 followers:if I allow you to meet another player in the scenario
Part 2 of the instruction guide to GENRE UNLIMITED!!!
MONEY The money you have is to buy more elements or get DNA samples of animals.The money can also be used to buy weapons for when someone fights you,or it can be used to upgrade weapons.(my choice)Even better,you can buy items to put together in order to create a weapon.
Whenever you run into a wild creature,you can get a DNA sample of the creature to incubate it (requires a fully built incubator)and you will have a new lab-animal.Or,you can add it to your current lab-animal to mutate it.If you don't get DNA samples of a creature,you can kill it and earn EXP to make your lab-animal that destroyed that creature stronger.
FOLLOWERS You can share DNA samples w/ your follower so you can make hybrids. You can also share money w/ them. Your choice. You can also team up on boss hybrids(NOTE:all bosses will be hybrids and cannot sample bosses,only gain EXP)to defeat them.
Name: Steve Gender: M Genre: What is Sci-fi? I might pick it if I know what it is Skills: Super smart, good soccer player, very likable, daring(Will risk life for others) xp: What do I put here? elements: Don't you give us these? lab-animals: Bob, George, and Conehead hybrids: Don't you give us these too? money: $1,000 followers: Er.. uh?
I joined, and if you ever need me to take-over, I will
Name: Steve Gender: M Genre: Sci-fi (science-fiction) Skills: Super smart, good soccer player, very likable, daring(Will risk life for others) xp: 0/15 elements:Plant and calculator lab-animals:Only pick one and give species Hybrids:none money: $1,000 followers:none
(you can split stuff apart,for ex. calculator + split =electricity and metal)