You post something, and then you post what it mixes to.EX: Me- Fire + You- Wood Firepit + Me- Water Soggy Wood + You- paperclip And so on, but make sure your things could make sense, not like turtle + ice = + firepit???I'll start offFire
+ water= ash
+ rivival poition = life
+ duality = death
+ life = zombieWe should keep a conversaion going so this isn't spam
Did you see all the lights ppl were putting up last night? + renewal = human
Put the talking and the game on different lines please.No, I didn't...human + sword= gladiatorI don't have the Cristmas spirit right now.No snow =(
+ heavens = angel-----------------no im brazilian
sorry for spamming but i writed "+ heavens = angel" to mechninja
Oh, then guess:Angel + Gladiator = Guardian AngelI think it feels like spring break. =(
+ hell = Guardian demon
+ peace = Priest demon + peace = nothing + Gaurdian + peace = Priest ----------- PriestSee?I WANT A WHITE CRISTMAS!
+ Chaos =barbaric human Do u even celebrate it?
+ medicine = humanYes, I celebrate it
+ DNA transplant= alien hybrid Ohh...
you like your RPG, don't you.+ dog = beast alien
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