Welcome to Splatter House! This game is based off of Call of Duty. The rules are quite simple, and this game will not accept people who rage. Sorry this might be big, but its just class creation! All you need to do is make the card then it will be much easier!
Rules You can be eliminated by other players, but you can respawn depending on the game type. DO NOT rage, or beg me for weapons. You can not team up with the enemy.
3.Spy Plane: Call in a spy plane to locate the enemy. 3.RC-XD: Control an explosive RC Car. 4.Counter Spy Plane: Blocks Enemy Radar. 4.Sentry Gun: Call in a Auto Turret. 5.Napalm Strike: Call in a Napalm Strike. 5.Care Package: Random Kill Streak. 5.Nova Strike: Call in a Nova Bomb Strike. 6.Valkyrie Rockets: Control 2 Rockets. 7.Attack Helicopter: Call in an attack helicopter for support. 7.Support Chopper: Choose a location for the helicopter to attack. 8.Guard Dog: Control a Attack Dog 9.Chopper Gunner: Be the gunner of an Attack Helicopter 9.Blackbird:Cannot be shot down, locates enemy even better! 11.Gunship: Be the Driver of an attack helicopter 11.Attack Dogs: call in 12 attack dogs to hunt down the enemy. 25.Tactical Nuke: End the game with a bang.
Perks: Slot 1 1.Lightweight:Allows you to move faster, but how fast depends on the equipped weapons mobility 2.Scavenger:Replenishes your ammunition and lethal grenades. 3.Ghost:You are undetectable by the Spy Plane killstreak. 4.Flat Jacket:Flak Jacket greatly reduces explosive damage. 5.Hardline:Reduces the amount of kills required for any killstreak by one.
Slot 2 1.Hardened:Increases your weapons bullet penetration. 2.Steady Aim:Steady Aim increases a weapons hip fire accuracy and also reduces shotgun spread. 3.Sleight of hand:Gives a faster reload time. 4.Warlord: allows you to put 2 attachments to your primary weapon. 5.Scout:enables you to hold your breath longer with a sniper.
Slot 3 1.Tactical Mask: Protects you against NOVA GAS. 2.Marathon:This extends your sprint time. 3.Ninja:Ninja allows you to walk, sprint and jump almost silently. 4.Hacker:Allows you to see enemy explosives, equipment and Tactical Insertions.
Once you play more than 3 games you can make your own classes.