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Predators is based off the newest movie. Called Predators XD.
Anyways, youâre either a human or a predator.
-Humans: Humans attempt to survive until they feel ready to kill the predators.
-Predators: Predators will search for the humans and eliminate them.

-There are only 3 Predators with 3 different classes.
-There is up to 4 Humans with 4 different classes.

Predator Classes
1. Hunter: Plasma Razor Claws, XV78 Plasma Launcher, Active Camo, Improved Mask, Improved armor, Health pack x3.
2. Combat Predator: Plasma Razor Claws, XV78 Plasma Launcher, Active Camo, Basic Mask, Basic armor, Health pack x5, Plasmatic Mines x3, Flesh Hounds x4, and Motion Sensor x1.
3. Predator Leader: Enhanced Plasma Razor Claws, XV80 Plasma Launcher, Active Camo, Advanced Armor, Advanced Mask, Health Pack x2, Plasmatic Mine x1, Flesh Hounds x2, Motion Sensor x2.

Human Classes
1. Black Op: Assault Rifle w/ Red Dot and Masterkey (Under barrel Shotgun), Black ops armor, Health pack x1, Stim pack x2, and steroids x1.
2. Spetsnaz: Minigun, Heavy Russian armor, Nova Needle.
3. Sniper: Barrett M107 BMG .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle, Ghillie suit, Claymore x2, Jammer x1 (Small Radius).
4. Medic: Desert Eagle, Health Pack x10, Stim Pack x5, Steroids x3, Nova needle x2, chest paddles.

Weapon Information
Read this if you want to know what certain things are.

Plasma Razor Claws: Platinum gloves equipped with plasmatic claws.
XV78 Plasma Launcher: Fires plasma bombs causing a small explosion of plasma.
Active Camo: Causes the player to be invisible.
Basic Mask: Can switch between thermal vision and heartbeat vision.
Improved Mask: Can switch between thermal vision, heartbeat vision and night vision.
Advanced Mask: Can switch between thermal, heartbeat, night, and normal vision.
Basic Armor: Protects against bullets well, but can be penetrated easily.
Improved Armor: Protects against most bullets and explosives, can still be penetrated.
Advanced Armor: Protects against all bullets and explosives, must be kill by precision.
Health Pack: Heals the player fully.
Plasmatic Mine: A mine that when triggered will pop out and spray plasma around it in a medium radius.
Flesh Hound: A Hound that will track down the humans.
Motion Sensor: When a player goes near it, it will alert the owner.
Assault Rifle: Basic rifle used by the Black Ops.
Masterkey: Shotgun attachment.
Black Op armor: Can withstand most bullets.
Stim Pack: Pushes the soldier causing him to keep fighting.
Steroids: Causes the player to keep taking rounds. Turning him into a tank for a short amount of time.
Minigun: Sprays up to 400 bullets before having to reload. Fire 1.5 Inch bullets.
Heavy Russian armor: Can withstand loads of bullets and explosions.
Nova needle: Causes the player to be pumped with Nova causing abnormal amounts of adrenaline to pump through the veins. Basically makes the player take more damage.
Barrett M107 BMG .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle: Fires 3 Inch bullets.
Ghillie suit: Makes the sniper hidden in the dark/bushes.
Claymore: an explosive activated by someone passing in front of it.
Jammer: Jams the enemy radar.

  • 32 Replies
2,436 posts

Name: Yautja Yas
Type: Predator
Class: Predator Leader
Phys Desc: 2,20m tall, muscular
Weapons: Enchanched Plasma Razor Claws, XV80 Plasma Launcher, Plasmatic Mine
Armor: Advanced Mask, Advanced Armor, Active Camo
Items: Health Pack, Flesh Hounds, Motion Sensor,
Humans Eliminated: 0
Perk: Nest Cleaner[ Is 1 of the thoughest Yautja ever]
Bio: Yautja Leader who killed an entire Xenomorph nest, then wanted to take on Humans.

I Think I should give teh missions, since I has leader class xD

2,188 posts

Phys Desc:Tall,muscular,scar on face
Weapons: Plasma Razor Claws, XV78 Plasma Launcher
Armor:Active Camo, Improved Mask, Improved armor
Items:Health pack x3
Humans Eliminated: Predators Only
Perk:Man hunter: Can easily counter humans.
Biouring one hunt on people he was overpowered and nearly caught but he still ran on the planet and lost his honor but to regain his honor he come back to Earth to hunt humans and aliens when faced with the alien mother got a big scar on his face but he still killed her when he returned to his home planet regained his honor they offer him to become their leader but he refused because he because he likes challenges and loves to hunt alone

What role does the leader have did he leads the other predators on the hunt,attack etc.

904 posts

Ya listen to the leader of the Predators. Here is the map when the game starts. For now since there are no humans, ignore their area.
The world is covered in different type of wildlife.
For now, ill control a different pack of humans.

2,436 posts

Name: Yautja Yas
Type: Predator
Class: Predator Leader
Phys Desc: 2,20m tall, muscular
Weapons: Enchanched Plasma Razor Claws, XV80 Plasma Launcher, Plasmatic Mine
Armor: Advanced Mask, Advanced Armor, Active Camo
Items: Health Pack, Flesh Hounds, Motion Sensor,
Humans Eliminated: 0
Perk: Nest Cleaner[ Is 1 of the thoughest Yautja ever]
Bio: Yautja Leader who killed an entire Xenomorph nest, then wanted to take on Humans.

Can I have predator NPCs? :O And I gather teh Predators for a hunt

2,188 posts

Is this P VS P

904 posts

Ahh no! You are the predators! There are only 3 Predators!
Considering there is no Combat Predator it will be a NPC
same with the wildlife.

2,436 posts

Name: Yautja Yas
Type: Predator
Class: Predator Leader
Phys Desc: 2,20m tall, muscular
Weapons: Enchanched Plasma Razor Claws, XV80 Plasma Launcher, Plasmatic Mine
Armor: Advanced Mask, Advanced Armor, Active Camo
Items: Health Pack, Flesh Hounds, Motion Sensor,
Humans Eliminated: 0
Perk: Nest Cleaner[ Is 1 of the thoughest Yautja ever]
Bio: Yautja Leader who killed an entire Xenomorph nest, then wanted to take on Humans.

K, I gather teh preds for a hunt

2,188 posts

Phys Desc:Tall,muscular,scar on face
Weapons: Plasma Razor Claws, XV78 Plasma Launcher
Armor:Active Camo, Improved Mask, Improved armor
Items:Health pack x3
Humans Eliminated: Predators Only
Perk:Man hunter: Can easily counter humans.
Biouring one hunt on people he was overpowered and nearly caught but he still ran on the planet and lost his honor but to regain his honor he come back to Earth to hunt humans and aliens when faced with the alien mother got a big scar on his face but he still killed her when he returned to his home planet regained his honor they offer him to become their leader but he refused because he because he likes challenges and loves to hunt alone

Ok i go into forest and look for some human
I didnt watch movie but i see some that predators have some dogs with them can i have one?

904 posts

Name: Yautja Yas
Type: Predator
Class: Predator Leader
Counters: [b]You gain counters from missions
Condition: Healthy
Pack: Has 8 Flesh Hounds[/b]
Phys Desc: 2,20m tall, muscular
Weapons: Enhanced Plasma Razor Claws, XV80 Plasma Launcher, Plasmatic Mine
Armor: Advanced Mask, Advanced Armor, Active Camo
Items: Health Pack, Motion Sensor,
Humans Eliminated: 0
Perk: Nest Cleaner: Is 1 of the toughest Yautja ever.
Bio: Yautja Leader who killed an entire Xenomorph nest, then wanted to take on Humans.
Counters:[b]You gain counters from missions
Condition: Healthy
Pack: 4 Flesh Hounds[/b]
Phys Desc:Tall,muscular,scar on face
Weapons: Plasma Razor Claws, XV78 Plasma Launcher
Armor:Active Camo, Improved Mask, Improved armor
Items:Health pack x3
Humans Eliminated:
Perk:Man hunter: Can easily counter humans.
Biouring one hunt on people he was overpowered and nearly caught but he still ran on the planet and lost his honor but to regain his honor he come back to Earth to hunt humans and aliens when faced with the alien mother got a big scar on his face but he still killed her when he returned to his home planet regained his honor they offer him to become their leader but he refused because he because he likes challenges and loves to hunt alone

Hunting list:
1.American Squad (Easy)
2.Russian Squad (Medium)
3.American Squad /w Tank (Hard) (Allows Research to counter armor)
4.Chinese Squad /w Traps (Hard) (Allows Research to counter traps)
5.Mixed Squad (Very Hard) (Allows Research to counter Tactics)

904 posts

wtf? Ha glitched so it has those b's XD

2,188 posts

Counters:You gain counters from missions
Condition: Healthy
Pack: 4 Flesh Hounds

Phys Desc:Tall,muscular,scar on face
Weapons: Plasma Razor Claws, XV78 Plasma Launcher
Armor:Active Camo, Improved Mask, Improved armor
Items:Health pack x3
Humans Eliminated:
Perk:Man hunter: Can easily counter humans.
Biouring one hunt on people he was overpowered and nearly caught but he still ran on the planet and lost his honor but to regain his honor he come back to Earth to hunt humans and aliens when faced with the alien mother got a big scar on his face but he still killed her when he returned to his home planet regained his honor they offer him to become their leader but he refused because he because he likes challenges and loves to hunt alone

I look for some American Squad

904 posts

Sigh... I dunno. I might cancel this and wait till some humans join otherwise it won't be fun for me :l

2,188 posts

I can be human if you want

904 posts

Are you sure?

Ok then. If so then you'll both have NPC allies.

2,188 posts

Class:Black Ops
Phys Desc:Tall,muscular,Black hair,Blue eys
Weapons:Assault Rifle w/ Red Dot and Masterkey (Under barrel Shotgun)
Armor:Black ops armor
Items:Health pack x1, Stim pack x2, and steroids x1
Days Survived: Humans Only
Perk:Veteran Very experienced and a good fighter who can predict ambushes and attacks
Bio:He grew up in a war environment, so he had very young to become a fighter and a professional soldier during a one mission,he kill the wrong people and was forced to flee from the country so it would not arrest for war crimes after it became a mercenary, he fought in many wars and countries and this is supposed to be his last job they offered him big money, but they didnt tell him with who he have to fight

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