I have been thinking the last few days about making my own game but i have no clue exactly the program i need to do it...im kinda techno smart...somewhat...so plz let me know of any that are good to use thanks
Just so you know... It can take years to make games as good as the ones you see here if you work alone. I do not know of any game maker, I just came to warn you.
Game Maker for random game making for fun, but you won't be able to upload it to ArmorGames (or any website that isn't YoYoGames, I think). If you wanna get more serious and actually start programming, Adobe Flash is the option.
I recommend going to GameMaker first. It's really fun to play around with.
thanks and dacer...exactly this code....exactly what is this code...i would like to know that before i start makin games...thoguh im gonna get used to making them on gamermaker...but still would like to know about this code plz
Just buy Adobe Flash CS4 Professional. That's what I have and it cost me about $499 for a refurbished version of the software. I used it to make some flash files.
I made one with the goal to get this ball to a cup by altering the pane of gravity. It is all black and white but it is fun. I made it on a different language (not C++) but it was okay. Too lazy to make another one.
I made another where you can find out the time in any city at whatever time. I just shared the server with the Weather Channel but added my own graphics. The colours are very smooth and gradient.
I made another one where you can play cards. The system is glitchy since I am not to fond on the probability but the graphics are soo nice.
My pride and joy is this Exit Path-esque game where you are this jelly square, like meat boy and avalanche, and you have to get to the door by climbing, swinging. To climb, click W or Up Arrow. To Move, click A and D or Left and Right Arrow. To crouch, click S or Down Arrow. To swing, mouseclick where. It is like Hanger and Exit Path combined. I want to make a story, extra levels, level intermissions, and sound, music, pause, blah blah blah. It is really glitchy but I'm sure I can do it. I'm hoping on submitting to Armor Games.
You can always buy it, return it and burn it onto a disc. That's what my dad did. He did the same for Microsoft Office 2007, Photoshop CS4, and Flash CS4. Well, he did keep the Microsoft Office but he put it on like 4 computers.
Learning the language is quite easy. My county/district has a community college and it has like two locations so there isn't that much space to teach classes for older people. They do in schools during the summer so one time they were teaching a Flash Programming class for $10 to $20 per class. I thought that was pretty cheap so I did that last summer. I only went for 4 hours, five days a week for 8 weeks. 10 AM to 2 PM. I took some non-AP classes over the summer, but that is completely different.
If you can afford $800 over the course of 8 weeks, you should be more than good. I have a job at Starbucks and they pay you $8 dollars per hour just to sweep the floor. I get paid $16 and I work from 6 PM to 8 PM on weekdays and noon to 3 PM on weekends. I make $256 a week, which is pretty good for a 16 year old. Just get a job.
dang that good...im 17 and wow who knew...of course kinda hard with life i have...just really busy for now but after my eagle board of review is over and i become an eagle scout school and goin to try and make games...just hope all of mine will suck