ForumsGame WalkthroughsTropico 3

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Tropico 3 is a strategy game, where you as "El presidente" have to lead a countrys economy and make the people happy. You can choose to lead the country as a Diktator, Communis etc. The game year is in the 50's, so you have the possibility to create realations whith the US or the USSR. If you don't &quotlay your cards" right, the people will become rebels, and you can choose to fight against them, by creating military. A very fun and good game.

The game might become more fun with cheats.
Tropico 3 cheats below:

Enter the following codes during gameplay for the desired effect:

trabajono - Unlock All Missions
speedygonzales - Instant Build
iamthestate - No Prerequisites for Edicts
elpollodiablo - Instant Win
muchopesos - Add $100,000
whiskey - +20 Relations with U.S.
nowhiskey - -20 Realtions with U.S.
vodka - +20 Relations with USSR
novodka - -20 Relations with USSR
twoheadedllama - Raise Tourism Rating to 100
pachangasi - Raise Happiness
dinggratz - Maximize Workers Experience, Instant Graduation
cheguevara - Trigger Rebel Attack on Building
downwiththetyrant - Trigger Rebel Attack on Palace
generalpenultimo - Trigger Military Coup
civilwar - Trigger Uprising
vivala0 - Trigger Random Submersive Activity
vivala1 - Trigger Assassination Attempt
vivala2 - Trigger Hostage Crisis
vivala3 - Trigger Bomb Threat
vivala4 - Trigger Worker Strike
vivala5 - Trigger Media Occcupation

I wish you all good luck and good gaming

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