At 3412 humanity human has spread over galaxies, but with cost of humanity.They have increased their body with cybernet enchaments, increasing their fighting skills hugely.But because some people have different opinnions about cybernetichs enchaiments ammount, war starts again...
As in this scifi based RPg, you are one of thousands cybernetic soldiers.You fight agains soldiers of other factions,complete missions,go for several planets, and much more!No player limits
And I know that this is kinda complex expesially hybrid classes, but feel free to ask questions,I am glad to answer.
Btw if there is some problem with text, I typed it in Wordpad, and copied over here, they might coused by that...
Character cheet looks like this:
Name:Your character`s name
Age:between 18 and 60
Gender:Female or male
Faction:Which side are you, you MUST choose one faction!
Class:your class (see below, can be hydrid, see below for more details)
Hp:how much health points you character has (by class)
Hp reg:How much hp you recover your posts (by class)
Energy:Energy is needed for using skills and weapons (by class)
Energy reg:How much energy you recover between your posts (by class)
Weapon:Which weapon you have (by class or if you have hydrid class I choose it)
Weapon modes:which different weapon modes you can use (by class, or if you have hydrid class pick 5 in those classes what you like)
Skills:Your suit avabilites which can be used if you have enough energy and required lvl
Kills:How many enemies you have killed
Exp:How many experience points you have, exp is gained for killing enemies,compliting missions and getting medals.Collect enough exp to level up
Medals:Medals are given for doing spesial things
Bio:self explenation
Physical appearence:What your characters look like
Location:Which planet you are currently, I chose starting planet
Mission:If you have on going mission, ti goes here.
Marine Standard ´cannonfodder´ unit, trained to deal with most of the situations
Hp reg: 3
Energy reg:3
Weapon:X-5 modified assault rifle
Weapon modes:Auto (fire automaticly lasers, -7 energy, lvl1),Knife (use knife mode, great in melee combats,-4 energy, lvl1),Burst (fire 3 shots in really high fire rate,-5 energy,lvl 2) Grenade (fire grenade, -15 energy,lvl5)
Skills:Sprint (run faster for short period of time,-3 energy, lvl1),Shield (create shiled surrinding you and absorbs most of dmg,-6 energy when using,lvl1),Leap (use your jetpack fot high jump,-4 energy, lvl2),Jetpack (fly to air,-7 energy when using,lvl 3),Reflect shield (reflects most of enemy fire,-10 energy when using,lvl3)
Level up increases:+10 hp,+0,3 hp reg,+3 energy,+0,5 energy reg
Level up requiments:lvl2 100 exp lvl3 250 exp lvl 4 500 lvl 5 1000 exp
Sniper Long ranged unit,trained to deal with heavy enemies, however slow
Hp reg:2
Energy reg:5
Weapon:Garbon Heavy sniper
Weapon modes:Sniper (fire single laser sniper shot,-3 energy,lvl 1),He sniper (fires high exlosive laser,-10 energy, lvl 3), Burst sniper (fire 3 sniper shots with burst,-7 energy,lvl2),Auto sniper (fire sniper shots in automatic fire rate,-16 energy,lvl 4),Am shot (fire antimatery shell, annihilates everything,-25 energy,lvl5)
Skills:Teleport (travel instantly location which you choose,-15 energy,lvl 3),Weapon lock (lock your weapon to target, never miss, -1 energy,lvl 1)
Level up increases:+5 hp,+0,2 hp reg,+7 energy,+0,5 energy reg
Level up requiments:lvl2 150 exp lvl3 300 exp lvl 4 600 lvl 5 1200 exp
Priest Nowone actually remembers what was orginal meaning of ´riest´ but now they are armies support units
Hp reg:2
Enery reg:6
Weapon:2x Render pistol
Weapon modesistol single (fire single pistol shot,-2 energy,lvl1)Pistol auto (fire pistol lasers with automatic speed,-14 energy,lvl 3),pistol burst (fire pistol 3 pistol shots in very fast rate of fire,-4 energy,lvl 2)
Skills:Teleport (same as sniper`s) Airstrike (call airstrike,-18 energy,lvl2)Reinforments (call some random friendly units into battle,-30 energy 2 posts charge lvl 3),Nuke (call nuke into battlefield,-25 energy,2 posts charge,lvl 4)
Level up increases:+2 hp,+7 energy,+0,5 energy reg
Level up requiments:lvl2 200 exp lvl3 450 exp lvl 4 700 lvl 5 1500 exp
Guardian spesial close-ranged fighter
Hp reg:4
Enery reg:4
Weapon:Garbon Shotgun
Weapon modes:Shotgun (fire 5 shots at same time with wide spread,-7 energy,lvl1),auto shotgun (fire shotgun shots with automatic speed,-18 energy,lvl 3)
Skills:Shock wave (create shockwave around you, pushing everything away,-8 energy,lvl1),Sprint,Shield,Reflect shield
Level up increases:+3 hp,+0,5 hp reg,+4 energy,+0,5 energy reg
Level up requiments:lvl2 100 exp lvl3 250 exp lvl 4 500 lvl 5 1000 exp
Heavy gunner uses heavy weapons
Hp reg:3
Energy reg:4
Weapon:Render LAW (Light Anti-tank Weapon)
Weapon modes:Plasma (fire explosive plasma shot,-8 energy.lvl1),Burst plasma (fire 3 plasma shots at very fast rate of fire,-17 energy,lvl3),Auto plasma (fire plasma shots with automatic speed,-25 energy,lvl 4),Mikro NUKE (fire mini NUKE,-30 energy,lvl5)
Skills:Weapon lock,Sprint
Level up increases:+5 hp,+0.5 hp reg,+3 energy,+0,5 energy reg
Level up requiments:Lvl 2 100xp lvl3 250 exp lvl 4 500 lvl 5 1000 exp
Hybrid classes
You can mix those classes, but there are some limits:
You cant mix more than 2 classes (with one account)!When you mix classes, your class`s name is both of classes names, seperated with -mark (see below for example).When ou make hybrid class, you can select 5 weapon modes for both classes,however 2 of them must be for other class (so you cant just change 1 weapon mode away), and 4 skills for both classes (However faction bonus skills you get anyway I choice your weapon by weapon modes what you have selected.You get health and energy by higher ammount, but they are lowered by 20% and I chose individually hp reg and energy reg values.
Factions:Here are all factions in-game, select 1 of them.You also get some bonusies for joining them, so choise wisly!
Human legions (HL):Their soldiers are 70% human,30% machine.They want to keep them self as humans as possible, but they have to add some cybernetic enchaiments, otherwise they would die easily.
Faction bonus stats:Hp+10,hp reg +1,-10 energy
Faction bonus skills:Rage (do more dmg for short period of time,-15 energy,lvl1),Fear (move faster for short period of time,-5 energy,lvl 1),Resistance (Recive lower dmg for short period of time,-15 energy,lvl1)
Cyborg Warriors (CW) Half human, half machine.Most of humans are under this faction.
Faction bonus stats:NONE!
Faction bonus skills:Choice one for HL and one for BE
Bot Empires (BE)30% human,70% machine Humans who have increased their body with lot of cybernetic enchants, and want to turn other like them.
Faction bonus stats:-10 hp,+10 energy,+1 energy
Faction bonus skills:Support drone (active support drone to assist at you in battle,-16 energy,lvl 2),Body transmitt (tunr some flesh into energy,-10 hp+10 energy,lvl1),Weapon lock
Some this might be complicated here is example for a character`s sheet:
Name:Random Warrior
Faction:Bot Empires
Hp reg:3
Energy reg:5
Weapon:Render Smg
Weapon modes:Auto,Knife,pistol burst,pistol single,Granede
Skills:Support drone,Weapon lock,Body transmitt,Nuke,sprint,shield,Reinforments
Bio:To lazy to make this :P
Physical appearence:Tall,dark hair,brown eyes