hello, i am making a new rpg... please staate your info like this:name: sex:speiches:spechalty
here is mine:name:alexandersex:malespeiches: humanspechallty: guns
Any specific thing?Mythical animals, made up ones, normal ones...
what's the plot????
zombies... and the plot is that your a survivor trying to avoid the zombies but only for one reason.... a reason that could kick you out of the team.... you are imune but there are no vacines... you a hyprid.
oh and a hybrids a mix betwween humans and zombies dont ask me why thoe.
It's not a mix of humans and zombies,it's a mix of 2 or more species into one.
oh mechs correct anyway the spchies are: zombie,(you have to pick another race and be a hybrid) human, elf. ok in a list there is zombie human and elf
name: Stevesex: Malespeiches: Dogcoonan (Dog, racoon, human)spechalty: Turning into other things
ok web your in! 3 more are now availibal!
name: Seylexsex: Femalespeicies: Batguanuman (Bat, Iguana, Human)speciality: Living in exteme conditions.
Name: ReylanSex: MaleSpecies: Kalian (Kangaroo, Lion, HumanSpecialty: Telekinesis
2 positons left!
1 more left!
Name: NerixSex: malespecies: Falmanti (FALcon, huMAN, TIger)speciality: adaptability (xcept for cold)
ok all spots taken!
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