to mod: if this kind of game appeared already, pls delet this :3
if you choose to be in the RED team, when ever you post, you +1 the number if you choose to be in the BLUE team, when ever you post, you -1 the number example: blue: -1 hi how are you? red: 0 oh im not doing so good. do you like cookies? red: 1 i love to eat cookies XDDD was it snowing last night? blue: 0 no it's not...... havd you ever eaten raw meat before?
when the number reaches 100, the red team wins. when the number reaches -100, the blue team wins.
you can choose which team you want - .- pls don't all join the same team..........
(remember to state which team you are on and remember to ask a question for the person below you are not spamming......)
hint hint: you can change teams if you think it's getting borring :3
-9. i have the first for PS2 but now i have the wii black ops which online sucks (jerky movements and lag galore) so i play black ops for campaign and zombies
"A WOV NOT TO" The blue remain blue, the red remain red, we are the faithful, I am a faithful, WE united shall be red or blue, nor red and blue,WE will get to our numbers, Blue will get to -100, red will get to 100,together, untited, we will battle for our numbers, NOT switching teams!