Name: Felipe Vansuenez) Age: 21 Class:Aztec Warrior Weapon:Tepoztopilli(spear-like weapon),Tematlatl (sling) Armor:Chimalli (wooden round shield), Ichcahuipilli (thick cloth armor) (currently none) Perk: Noble Blood: from being from a noble family we have certain and special *Help* that'll come by when in need Misc: Water, Maize, Map of the kingdom
Ok, so you're saying that you don't want to do that? Whatever...
You are commanded to invade a village with 9 other troops. Nice and simple. Or is there some problem with that?
Name: John Age:18 Gender: Male Crime: Runaway Slave Criminal's Perk: Run forrest run!: you more agile with light equipment on Bio: I lived my entire life as a slave, and has learned how to use a sword when I had time alone in the woods. I tried to escape when I was 17 but got caught a year later and pushed into these Barbaric Gladior Games. Perk: Slave man: living as a slave gave you some extra endurance to being hit with blunt objects Gladiator Type: Hoplomachi ------------------------------------------------------------ Health:100/100 Armor Health: Helmet 75/75, Manica 20/20, Shield 50/80 Weapons:Club Armor: Greaves (leather, thin),Brimmed helmet (bronze,thin),Manica (Right,leather, thin),Very small bronze buckler (bronze, thin) Misc.: Physical Desc.: Strong, tall, Fast Personality: Shy, Self-Assured, Protective Trait your quick, but it makes you weaker when it comes to the offensive Rank: Trainee fighter
simple enough where am i currently, and does the village have a guard? is it one already under our control