ForumsForum Games[Necro] World War II RPG

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Well I have decided to make an RPG about the whole war not just one battle. This is going to be all about World War II. The history might not be pristine but I know a lot about it. So there is no storyline besides the war history. People will be at different point in the war depending on what faction they choose. [example: Americans will not be in the Battle of Britain and the Imperial Army will not be at D-day]
French[Resistance Included]
Soviet Union
Imperial Army

Create your own! [has to be approved by me]

Name: [Cannot be a famous person, real or nonreal]
Age: 18-25
Physical Description:
Perk: [Given to you from Bio]
Traits: [1 good 1 bad]
Primary Wep: Will be given to you
Secondary Wep: Will Be given to you
Class: Private[Pvt.]
Grenades: Will be given to you

That should be it, enjoy

This is my second RPG so be easy im new

  • 160 Replies
1,930 posts

Name:Aleksa Pavlicic
Faction:Soviet Union
Physical Description:Tall,muscular,Blue eyes,Short black hair
Bio:Born into a military family, his father was a veteran of the First World War he continued the family tradition with the age of eighteen he went to the Military Academy after the academy was sent to a military base in Sibir where he spent two years one day his father was killed by the gang when he heard that he deserted and go back to his city brought weapons from army and began to kill the gang members one by one but during a one fight with gang was shot and nearly was killed after that he spent one year in hiding from the military that it would not be executed for desertion when the war started, everyone forgot about his desertion and his country were required all possible young men able to fight so he join army.
Perk: No more losses: You are less likely to lose a lot comrades while fighting
Characteristics:Born leader,Kill anyone who retreating
Primary Wep: Mosin-Nagant M38 Carbine
Secondary Wep: TT-30
Class: Private[Pvt.]
Grenades: (2) RDG-33 Grenades

Oh cool were are you from? One more thing you can change traits to characteristics like smart, clumsy or brave, not careful, good shot,loud as long as you have one good one bad.

So you and several other new recruits are ordered into the town of Odessa to hold off the germans. You are sent into the town square were you will meet the enemy and try to drive them out of town. You get into position behind a small wall when germans come through alleyways firing at everyone.

2,188 posts

Name:Aleksa Pavlicic
Faction:Soviet Union
Physical Description:Tall,muscular,Blue eyes,Short black hair
Bio:Born into a military family, his father was a veteran of the First World War he continued the family tradition with the age of eighteen he went to the Military Academy after the academy was sent to a military base in Sibir where he spent two years one day his father was killed by the gang when he heard that he deserted and go back to his city brought weapons from army and began to kill the gang members one by one but during a one fight with gang was shot and nearly was killed after that he spent one year in hiding from the military that it would not be executed for desertion when the war started, everyone forgot about his desertion and his country were required all possible young men able to fight so he join army.
Perk: No more losses: You are less likely to lose a lot comrades while fighting
Characteristics:Born leader,Clumsy
Primary Wep: Mosin-Nagant M38 Carbine
Secondary Wep: TT-30
Class: Private[Pvt.]
Grenades: (2) RDG-33 Grenades

Start shooting at them
I am from Serbia

1,930 posts

Name: Luke Dunn
Age: 18
Physical Description:Small,dark hair,blue eyes well built.thin.
Bio:Joined the army to get away from poverty in britian.He was sick of stealing from people to survive.Had no schooling.He is thin because of lack of food.His parents died when he was 15 and he went to live with his grandad who was in the army.
Perk: Survival of the fittest: Surviving years with low food means you are more used to being hungry and are less likely to die of starvation.
Primary Wep: Silenced Sten
Secondary Wep: Welrod Silenced Pistol
Knifeexclusive to commando) Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife
Class: Private
Grenades: (2) No.38 Mk. 1 Grenade

You snuck up on me I didn't see your post. You give yourself the good and bad trait and your ready to go.

1,930 posts

Name:Aleksa Pavlicic
Faction:Soviet Union
Physical Description:Tall,muscular,Blue eyes,Short black hair
Bio:Born into a military family, his father was a veteran of the First World War he continued the family tradition with the age of eighteen he went to the Military Academy after the academy was sent to a military base in Sibir where he spent two years one day his father was killed by the gang when he heard that he deserted and go back to his city brought weapons from army and began to kill the gang members one by one but during a one fight with gang was shot and nearly was killed after that he spent one year in hiding from the military that it would not be executed for desertion when the war started, everyone forgot about his desertion and his country were required all possible young men able to fight so he join army.
Perk: No more losses: You are less likely to lose a lot comrades while fighting
Characteristics:Born leader,Clumsy
Primary Wep: Mosin-Nagant M38 Carbine
Secondary Wep: TT-30
Class: Private[Pvt.]
Grenades: (2) RDG-33 Grenades

You hit a few and kill one but they keep coming. Withing 3 minutes the area looks as though a tornado has blown through. Your men are slowly dying and looking into the sky for the retreat signal. You then hear planes come over head with horns blaring that is the retreat signal and just as tanks start to roll into the square. what do you do?

2,188 posts

Name:Aleksa Pavlicic
Faction:Soviet Union
Physical Description:Tall,muscular,Blue eyes,Short black hair
Bio:Born into a military family, his father was a veteran of the First World War he continued the family tradition with the age of eighteen he went to the Military Academy after the academy was sent to a military base in Sibir where he spent two years one day his father was killed by the gang when he heard that he deserted and go back to his city brought weapons from army and began to kill the gang members one by one but during a one fight with gang was shot and nearly was killed after that he spent one year in hiding from the military that it would not be executed for desertion when the war started, everyone forgot about his desertion and his country were required all possible young men able to fight so he join army.
Perk: No more losses: You are less likely to lose a lot comrades while fighting
Characteristics:Born leader,Clumsy
Primary Wep: Mosin-Nagant M38 Carbine
Secondary Wep: TT-30
Class: Private[Pvt.]
Grenades: (2) RDG-33 Grenades

Yell"I need someone to stay here with me to hold Germans while rest retret"and look for some machinegun

1,930 posts

Name: Heinz Farshmidt
Age: 26
Physical Description:Average height, black hair, brown eyes, Iron cross tattoo on his chest
Bio:Lived in Hungary through the split of the dual empire and the great depression. When He was Drafted he was then sent to train with the German army under an old Prussian military officer. Then sent with a Hungarian Division to help Germany Crush Yugoslavia.
Perk: War Cry[moral booster less chance of loosing hope in a battle and retreating]
Charcteristics: Zeal fanaticism (will ignore the pain from wanting to fight for his cause) Of the loser nationality.(the debts of WW1 and the great depression caused the training for the army to get cut back a little meaning my weapons are more susceptible and whatnot)
Class:Hungarian All Terrain infantry
Primary Wep:Carcano Rifle
Secondary Wep:Luger P08
Uniform: Hungarian Military, M1940 Stahlhelm, Combat Boots
Grenades: (1) Stielhandgranate
Rank:Honved (hv)
Medical Condition: Missing left pinkie and half of left ring finger.

Fine. One day word gets around that there was an invasion in Africa and Erwin Rommel is looking for some specific men to take into the Afrika Corps more specifically a group that can fight alongside tanks. Several solders come into the barracks looking for troops. They walk up to you and say that you have been selected to join the afrika corps because of you work in Yugoslavia and you are promoted to PFC. (if you want you can find what it is in Hungarian) You are then shipped to Africa.

1,930 posts

Name:Aleksa Pavlicic
Faction:Soviet Union
Physical Description:Tall,muscular,Blue eyes,Short black hair
Bio:Born into a military family, his father was a veteran of the First World War he continued the family tradition with the age of eighteen he went to the Military Academy after the academy was sent to a military base in Sibir where he spent two years one day his father was killed by the gang when he heard that he deserted and go back to his city brought weapons from army and began to kill the gang members one by one but during a one fight with gang was shot and nearly was killed after that he spent one year in hiding from the military that it would not be executed for desertion when the war started, everyone forgot about his desertion and his country were required all possible young men able to fight so he join army.
Perk: No more losses: You are less likely to lose a lot comrades while fighting
Characteristics:Born leader,Clumsy
Primary Wep: Mosin-Nagant M38 Carbine
Secondary Wep: TT-30
Class: Private[Pvt.]
Grenades: (2) RDG-33 Grenades

Wow You can die in this. So a few AT and Normal infantry guys also stay behind while others get the wounded out. You are tossed 2 RPG-43 Anti tank grenades to take out the tanks and are told to place your spots wisely. there are 2 tanks to your right but a bit far away and one tanks to your left 100 yards away from you.

15,053 posts

Name: Heinz Farshmidt
Age: 26
Physical Description:Average height, black hair, brown eyes, Iron cross tattoo on his chest
Bio:Lived in Hungary through the split of the dual empire and the great depression. When He was Drafted he was then sent to train with the German army under an old Prussian military officer. Then sent with a Hungarian Division to help Germany Crush Yugoslavia.
Perk: War Cry[moral booster less chance of loosing hope in a battle and retreating]
Charcteristics: Zeal fanaticism (will ignore the pain from wanting to fight for his cause) Of the loser nationality.(the debts of WW1 and the great depression caused the training for the army to get cut back a little meaning my weapons are more susceptible and whatnot)
Class:Hungarian All Terrain infantry
Primary Wep:Carcano Rifle
Secondary Wep:Luger P08
Uniform: Hungarian Military, M1940 Stahlhelm, Combat Boots
Grenades: (1) Stielhandgranate
Rank:Honved (hv)
Medical Condition: Missing left pinkie and half of left ring finger.

it's Tizedes (tiz)

i pack up my things and head out

1,930 posts

Name: Heinz Farshmidt
Age: 26
Physical Description:Average height, black hair, brown eyes, Iron cross tattoo on his chest
Bio:Lived in Hungary through the split of the dual empire and the great depression. When He was Drafted he was then sent to train with the German army under an old Prussian military officer. Then sent with a Hungarian Division to help Germany Crush Yugoslavia.
Perk: War Cry[moral booster less chance of loosing hope in a battle and retreating]
Charcteristics: Zeal fanaticism (will ignore the pain from wanting to fight for his cause) Of the loser nationality.(the debts of WW1 and the great depression caused the training for the army to get cut back a little meaning my weapons are more susceptible and whatnot)
Class:Hungarian All Terrain infantry
Primary Wep:Carcano Rifle
Secondary Wep:Luger P08
Uniform: Hungarian Military, M1940 Stahlhelm, Combat Boots
Grenades: (1) Stielhandgranate
Rank:Honved (hv)
Medical Condition: Missing left pinkie and half of left ring finger.

really cause I thought that was for corporal also you get a KAr98k or MP-40 from afrika corps

2,188 posts

Name:Aleksa Pavlicic
Faction:Soviet Union
Physical Description:Tall,muscular,Blue eyes,Short black hair
Bio:Born into a military family, his father was a veteran of the First World War he continued the family tradition with the age of eighteen he went to the Military Academy after the academy was sent to a military base in Sibir where he spent two years one day his father was killed by the gang when he heard that he deserted and go back to his city brought weapons from army and began to kill the gang members one by one but during a one fight with gang was shot and nearly was killed after that he spent one year in hiding from the military that it would not be executed for desertion when the war started, everyone forgot about his desertion and his country were required all possible young men able to fight so he join army.
Perk: No more losses: You are less likely to lose a lot comrades while fighting
Characteristics:Born leader,Clumsy
Primary Wep: Mosin-Nagant M38 Carbine
Secondary Wep: TT-30
Class: Private[Pvt.]
Grenades: (2) RDG-33 Grenades

Take AT with me and go into some buildingand wait for tank to come close enough i trow bomb at tank engine

15,053 posts

Name: Heinz Farshmidt
Age: 26
Physical Description:Average height, black hair, brown eyes, Iron cross tattoo on his chest
Bio:Lived in Hungary through the split of the dual empire and the great depression. When He was Drafted he was then sent to train with the German army under an old Prussian military officer. Then sent with a Hungarian Division to help Germany Crush Yugoslavia.
Perk: War Cry[moral booster less chance of loosing hope in a battle and retreating]
Charcteristics: Zeal fanaticism (will ignore the pain from wanting to fight for his cause) Of the loser nationality.(the debts of WW1 and the great depression caused the training for the army to get cut back a little meaning my weapons are more susceptible and whatnot)
Class:Hungarian All Terrain infantry
Primary Wep:Carcano Rifle
Secondary Wep:Luger P08
Uniform: Hungarian Military, M1940 Stahlhelm, Combat Boots
Grenades: (1) Stielhandgranate
Rank:Honved (hv)
Medical Condition: Missing left pinkie and half of left ring finger.

Nope PFC

i pick the Kar

1,930 posts

Name: Heinz Farshmidt
Age: 26
Physical Description:Average height, black hair, brown eyes, Iron cross tattoo on his chest
Bio:Lived in Hungary through the split of the dual empire and the great depression. When He was Drafted he was then sent to train with the German army under an old Prussian military officer. Then sent with a Hungarian Division to help Germany Crush Yugoslavia.
Perk: War Cry[moral booster less chance of loosing hope in a battle and retreating]
Charcteristics: Zeal fanaticism (will ignore the pain from wanting to fight for his cause) Of the loser nationality.(the debts of WW1 and the great depression caused the training for the army to get cut back a little meaning my weapons are more susceptible and whatnot)
Class:Hungarian All Terrain infantry
Primary Wep:Kar98K
Secondary Wep:Luger P08
Uniform: Hungarian Military, M1940 Stahlhelm, Combat Boots
Grenades: (1) Stielhandgranate
Rank: Tizedes (tiz)
Medical Condition: Missing left pinkie and half of left ring finger.

Ok so know you are technically A hungarian working for the german army. So you will be in German Fights. OK so you are sent to a small town were you are to set up an ambush for an American convoy and tanks. You are on the roof of a building when they come. The AT men come up first and destroy most stuart tanks. 3 remain. Your job is to take out any infantry and ammo. There are 10 covered trucks with infantry and ammo, the americans haven't yet figured out what is going on and you have a clear shot into a truck full of americans.

15,053 posts

Name: Heinz Farshmidt
Age: 26
Physical Description:Average height, black hair, brown eyes, Iron cross tattoo on his chest
Bio:Lived in Hungary through the split of the dual empire and the great depression. When He was Drafted he was then sent to train with the German army under an old Prussian military officer. Then sent with a Hungarian Division to help Germany Crush Yugoslavia.
Perk: War Cry[moral booster less chance of loosing hope in a battle and retreating]
Charcteristics: Zeal fanaticism (will ignore the pain from wanting to fight for his cause) Of the loser nationality.(the debts of WW1 and the great depression caused the training for the army to get cut back a little meaning my weapons are more susceptible and whatnot)
Class:Hungarian All Terrain infantry
Primary Wep:Kar98K
Secondary Wep:Luger P08
Uniform: Hungarian Military, M1940 Stahlhelm, Combat Boots
Grenades: (1) Stielhandgranate
Rank: Tizedes (tiz)
Medical Condition: Missing left pinkie and half of left ring finger.

throw a grenade

1,930 posts

Name:Aleksa Pavlicic
Faction:Soviet Union
Physical Description:Tall,muscular,Blue eyes,Short black hair
Bio:Born into a military family, his father was a veteran of the First World War he continued the family tradition with the age of eighteen he went to the Military Academy after the academy was sent to a military base in Sibir where he spent two years one day his father was killed by the gang when he heard that he deserted and go back to his city brought weapons from army and began to kill the gang members one by one but during a one fight with gang was shot and nearly was killed after that he spent one year in hiding from the military that it would not be executed for desertion when the war started, everyone forgot about his desertion and his country were required all possible young men able to fight so he join army.
Perk: No more losses: You are less likely to lose a lot comrades while fighting
Characteristics:Born leader,Clumsy
Primary Wep: Mosin-Nagant M38 Carbine
Secondary Wep: TT-30
Class: Private[Pvt.]
Grenades: (2) RDG-33 Grenades

You head into a building close to the one tank with 2 Anti tank men. They have anti tank sniper rifle(pretty much 50 cal rifles of WWII) You through your grenade and it destroys a tank but before the AT men can fire a shot another tank shoots a round a floor below you guys and kill one man. another man is gripping the edge of the floor trying not to fall to his death. You are still alive and the other man is yelling for you to pull him up.

2,188 posts

Name:Aleksa Pavlicic
Faction:Soviet Union
Physical Description:Tall,muscular,Blue eyes,Short black hair
Bio:Born into a military family, his father was a veteran of the First World War he continued the family tradition with the age of eighteen he went to the Military Academy after the academy was sent to a military base in Sibir where he spent two years one day his father was killed by the gang when he heard that he deserted and go back to his city brought weapons from army and began to kill the gang members one by one but during a one fight with gang was shot and nearly was killed after that he spent one year in hiding from the military that it would not be executed for desertion when the war started, everyone forgot about his desertion and his country were required all possible young men able to fight so he join army.
Perk: No more losses: You are less likely to lose a lot comrades while fighting
Characteristics:Born leader,Clumsy
Primary Wep: Mosin-Nagant M38 Carbine
Secondary Wep: TT-30
Class: Private[Pvt.]
Grenades: (2) RDG-33 Grenades

Help AT men tell him to shoot "NOW"take weapon of dead AT and shoot tank and then throw AT grenade at tank engine

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