sad that the destroy th eenimy died out? your in luck! i created somthing like it to continue!
copy of complete the objective. and you didnt even write the object.
object:chairimunities:siting on itweacknesses: evrything but siting of ithit points:10
KARATE CHOP!!!!!!!11
it hits and destroys chair
new enimy:babyimune:yellingweakneses: physical harm (on head only)hp:20
... just for the hell of it... *unleashes "Eternal Session" on it*
baby dies of heat.... nice work next enemy will be kid im still figuring out hte rest!
ok hers the layout:object:kid manicanimuune: to much of anythingweakness: boring stuffhp"50bordom hp:10
AHHHH!!! SCIENCE!!!!! *head explodes*
I make him watch...educational television?
he's weak to boring stuff i smack him in the neck with a book
Force him to watch a channel teaching Prof.Eienstien's theory of quantum physics
the kid gets very bored and takes 10 damage but he gets imune to bordom.object:kid immune:bordomweakness: yet to be discoverdhp:40bhp.0
i give the kid a chaos emerald, then get Shadow the hedgehog here. *watches the resulting beatdown from Shadow*
shadow deafeats the kid but terns ecvvil and turns back on you!!!!!objet:kidimmune:evrything sonicmeakness:lightprotecthon:invisibal at the momenthp:50
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