The year is 3278.You have searched for another planet to inhabit on after inhabiting on the moon and meteors since you have gravity control devices on you.You search and search,then in the distance,you see a blue portal...You go outside and investigate.You conclude that it's a tear in the space-time continueum called The Void.You and your crew head inside of there and get sucked into whole-new solar system!You investigate as the rest of the crew are in the ship.You see tht there is a button on a rock in the landscape,so you touch it.After that,you see that the desert like landscape turns into an ocean with lots of islands!You press the button again and it turns back into a desert!"But how?" You ask to yourself.Just then,you haer your crew being attacked by a green fog.They then turn into different hybrids of different species then turn back to human and die....Since your ship was attacked by tht fog too,you have no way of getting off this planet........
Name: Gender:M or F HPI decide) XPI decide) Inventorychoose from below) Abilitieschoose from below) Weapons:fists Vehicle: Followers: Powersyes,I said it,Powers)
Scanneretects nearby enemies or lifeforms Detector:Allows you to search the terrain for any items at all Gravity device:Lets you freeze any enemies nearby,any object ETC.
Stealth:A better chance of not letting you be seen Strong muscles:lets you add +5 too stength Disguise:People not recognizing you
Name:Qwerty Gender:Male HP:??? XP:??? inventory:Gravity Device Abilities:strong mustles Weapons:fists vehicle:can I get a tank? Followerso I put how many followers or thier names?cuz it would be names:Jack and Marmen powers:none
You see that you are in a desert.You see that the sky is red.Immeaditly,you realize that this isn't earth.You look around for food and shelter.You then see a monkey with cresent like blades on it,and a moon on its stomach.What do you do?
You have something to eat now.You also see that the creature has left a cube with a white light inside.You touch it,then it turns into stardust and goes inside of your scanner and says.....
Species:Moonkey DNA code:*^%$^((^#@@!#@)(&^:"{}+_+(Trust me,you'll need this) Data:A genetic monkey that comes out at night and enjoy the shine of the moon.
You then see a rock beast in front of you.What do you do?
And Qwerty,you have escaped succesfully,just thenyou see Aleska about to be attacked by a rock beast.What do you do?
You run away from the rock beast,then a button on your scanner was hit from one of the rock missles,then all of a sudden,that creature you killed appeared on there!"PLEASE ENTER DNA CODE" It said.