This is a game, where you control a specific set of units, and destroy whatever target I give you. It is not an RPG. Rules are: Win. Little Civilian Casualties. To win: You can significantly outnumber them. You can get the morale bar to 0%. You can kill all of the hostiles.
First Target:
Enemy: Terrorist-Controlled Town: Population: 7,650 Citizens 5,000 (est.) Hostiles Building: Fortified Town Hall: 20,000/20,000 Number of Hostiles: 1,500 (est.) Number of Civilians: 3,000 Housing District: 17,500/17,500 Number of Hostiles: 500 (est.) Number of Civilians: 1,800 Terrorist Camp: Number of Hostiles: 2,650 (est.) Number of Civilians: (Hostages) 200 Morale Bar: 100% Your Forces: Infantry Commanders (5 Allowed): (None) Number of Forces: 1,000 troops total Naval Commanders (3 Allowed): (None) Number of Forces: 6 Ships Air Commanders (3 Allowed): (None) Number of Forces: 20 Planes (10 Bombers, 10 Fighters) Navy SEAL Commander (1 Allowed): (None) Number of Forces: 250
Just pick the position you want to command, give the troops orders, then kick back as I give you results.
Enemy: Terrorist-Controlled Town: Population: 7,650 Citizens 5,000 Hostiles Building: Fortified Town Hall: 20,000/20,000 Number of Hostiles: 1,500 Number of Civilians: 2,800 Housing District: 17,500/16,000 Number of Hostiles: 350 Number of Civilians: 1,400 Terrorist Camp: 20,000/20,000 Number of Hostiles: 2,000 Number of Civilians: (Hostages) 0 (All killed) Town Square: 10,000/10,000 Number of Hostiles: 1,000 Number of Civilians: 2,400 Morale Bar: 100% Your Forces: Infantry Commanders (5 Allowed): Kingjac10, DragonRawrz Number of Forces: 1,000 troops total Naval Commanders (3 Allowed): acepilot0, xmb8. Number of Forces: 6 Ships Air Commanders (3 Allowed): Rejineon, KKilroy. Number of Forces: 20 Planes (10 Bombers, 10 Fighters) Navy SEAL Commander (1 Allowed): Ubica88. Number of Forces: 250. Israeli Commando Commander (1 allowed): DeadlyVelociraptor. Number of Forces: 100
Commander Rejineon, the reply is here. "Do not call us thugs, infedel. Just because of that, we've started killing all of the civilians we can find. Just give us a plane and you can get the fellow infedels.
Signed- Mohammed Hunt"
Commander Rejineon, you've had moderate success with the bombing on the city. Your bombers targeted the housing district.
Enemy: Terrorist-Controlled Town: Population: 7,650 Citizens 5,000 Hostiles Building: Fortified Town Hall: 20,000/20,000 Number of Hostiles: 1,500 Number of Civilians: 2,800 Housing District: 17,500/16,000 Number of Hostiles: 350 Number of Civilians: 1,400 Terrorist Camp: 20,000/18,000 Number of Hostiles: 1,000 Number of Civilians: (Hostages) 0 (All killed) Town Square: 10,000/10,000 Number of Hostiles: 500 Number of Civilians: 2,400 Morale Bar: 80 Your Forces: Infantry Commanders (5 Allowed): Kingjac10, DragonRawrz. Number of Forces: 800 troops total Naval Commanders (3 Allowed): acepilot0, xmb8. Number of Forces: 6 Ships Air Commanders (3 Allowed): Rejineon, KKilroy, webkinzlover7654. Number of Forces: 20 Planes (10 Bombers, 10 Fighters) Navy SEAL Commander (1 Allowed): Ubica88. Number of Forces: 250. Israeli Commando Commander (1 allowed): DeadlyVelociraptor. Number of Forces: 100
Commanders, you are online with DeadlyVelocirapraptor. He is head of the Israeli Special Forces. He asks if you need his help.
The barrage has started. The Navy SEALS have infiltrated the town.
A firefight has started in the town square. It has been heavy casualties for the terrorists.