This is an history driven rpg that is based on a history that i invented.The char sheet is similar to Ultimate Tournament(Roleplay fights anyone?)and when your HP reaches zero,you get incapacitated instead of diyng.After leveling up,you may choose a perk(i'll say them when one of you guys level up.they change for every character) You can only pick one character below:
Name:Alpha Age:22 Gender:Male Personality:cold-blooded Description:An cyborg designed to be the perfect soldier. Powers:heal when injured,marksmanship with ballistic weapons is a passive,wrath call XP:0/10 HP:20/20
Name:Lazflamme Age:18 Gender:female Description:an centaur girl that once saved Alpha's life. Personality:cunning and kind Powers:back kick,charge,aim for the heart XP:0/10 HP:15/15
Name:Winberrl Age:20 Gender:female Description:both an field medic and soldier,always tryes to help the injured Personality:kind and calm,but also funny Powers:heal friends,immobilize enemies XP:0/10 HP:25/25
Name:Crimrose Age:19 Gender:female Description:an girl who loves to fly and strike from above Personality:decided,smart,and curious Powers:seraph wing(when level 3),acceleroll,air dash XP:0/10 HP:20/20
Nameornum Age:28 Gender:male Description:an alien from a jungle planet that's Alpha's best friend and subordinate Personality:sttuborn and childish some times Powers:cloak,adrenaline,silent kill XP:10/10 HP:30/30
Name:Mecha Jetter Age:??? Gender:male Description:an ace robot created to be a champion on the skyes Personality:defiant on what's wrong and good to be around Powers:call reinforcements,battle cry,beam tackle enemies XP:0/10 HP:40/40
Name:Commander Mordin Age:68 Gender:male Description:Alpha's direct superior Personality:bitter,somewhat lazy Powers:can only gain them using a power armor XP:0/10 HP:10/10
If you guys can wait my second post will bring the background of it,ok?but you may go ahead and choose your character.
Name:Alpha Age:22 Gender:Male Personality:cold-blooded Description:An cyborg designed to be the perfect soldier. Powers:heal when injured,marksmanship with ballistic weapons is a passive,wrath call XP:0/10 HP:20/20
Name:Alpha Age:22 Gender:Male Personality:cold-blooded Description:An cyborg designed to be the perfect soldier. Powers:heal when injured,marksmanship with ballistic weapons is a passive,wrath call XP:0/10 HP:20/20
After taking your breakfast,you feel like wishing or not,you must be there. You put some clothes on and you head to your personal weapons stash.You may pick: "Punisher"heavy pistol(ATK:15,chance of missing:35,ammo:16/96) Blaster Pistol:light blaster pistol with infinite ammo and fair damage(ATK:5) "Hell Bringer"flame pistol:an crossover of flamethrower with an pistol,perfect to burn your enemies to ashes!(ATK:10-20,ammo:100/400,only misses when in long-mid range)
Name:Alpha Age:22 Gender:Male Personality:cold-blooded Description:An cyborg designed to be the perfect soldier. Powers:heal when injured,marksmanship with ballistic weapons is a passive,wrath call XP:0/10 HP:20/20
I take the hell bringer and check to make sure its loaded
Name:Mecha Jetter Age:??? Gender:male Description:an ace robot created to be a champion on the skyes Personality:defiant on what's wrong and good to be around Powers:call reinforcements,battle cry,beam tackle enemies XP:0/10 HP:40/40 Weapon(s): Sword-basic melee ATK:20| | |Blaster ACS10-standard weapon(ATK:10)
Nameornum Age:28 Gender:male Description:an alien from a jungle planet that's Alpha's best friend and subordinate Personality:sttuborn and childish some times Powers:cloak,adrenaline,silent kill XP:10/10 HP:30/30
Name:Commander Mordin Age:68 Gender:male Description:Alpha's direct superior Personality:bitter,somewhat lazy Powers:can only gain them using a power armor XP:0/10 HP:10/10
I REALLY wanted to be alpha or dornum and im a boy so i guess i get the worst guy...Unless im allowed to also be dornum?
Name:Lazflamme Age:18 Gender:female Description:an centaur girl that once saved Alpha's life. Personality:cunning and kind Powers:back kick,charge,aim for the heart XP:0/10 HP:15/15
@ Nesanelf, I'd be her, she is young, and she SAVED ALPHA'
Name:Mecha Jetter Age:??? Gender:male Description:an ace robot created to be a champion on the skyes Personality:defiant on what's wrong and good to be around Powers:call reinforcements,battle cry,beam tackle enemies XP:0/10 HP:40/40 Weapon(s): Sword-basic melee ATK:20| | |Blaster ACS10-standard weapon(ATK:10)S LIFE! Who cares if she's a girl, she's pretty beast in my opinion. Lazflamme, such an awesome name, I was deciding between her and my robot guy, but then I saw she was a girl.. In my opinion, she is the best person left.
Name:Lazflamme Age:18 Gender:female Description:an centaur girl that once saved Alpha's life. Personality:cunning and kind Powers:back kick,charge,aim for the heart XP:0/10 HP:15/15
@ Nesanelf, I'd be her, she is young, and she SAVED ALPHA'S LIFE! Who cares if she's a girl, she's pretty beast in my opinion. Lazflamme, such an awesome name, I was deciding between her and my robot guy, but then I saw she was a girl.. In my opinion, she is the best person left.
Name:Mecha Jetter Age:??? Gender:male Description:an ace robot created to be a champion on the skyes Personality:defiant on what's wrong and good to be around Powers:call reinforcements,battle cry,beam tackle enemies XP:0/10 HP:40/40 Weapon(s): Sword-basic melee ATK:20| | |Blaster ACS10-standard weapon(ATK:10)
i'd like to ask EVERYONE who posted on the 2nd page to repost in here because my browser isn't showing the posts there,and i need to know who you picked,what weapon you picked and what you done to continue the RPG.
I think that i described Laz in a not appropiate manner(i call her of centaur girl for obvious reasons).So here an pic that puts it on the right way ^^
this is crim Winberrl Alpha
Name:Lazflamme Age:18 Gender:female Description:an centaur girl that once saved Alpha's life. Personality:cunning and kind Powers:back kick,charge,aim for the heart XP:0/10 HP:15/15
Name:Mecha Jetter Age:??? Gender:male Description:an ace robot created to be a champion on the skyes Personality:defiant on what's wrong and good to be around Powers:call reinforcements,battle cry,beam tackle enemies XP:0/10 HP:40/40 Weapon(s): Sword-basic melee ATK:20| | |Blaster ACS10-standard weapon(ATK:10)
My sytem is so laggy that i needed to close all the other applications to make it run properly,but YAY! Name:Alpha Age:22 Gender:Male Personality:cold-blooded Description:An cyborg designed to be the perfect soldier. Powers:heal when injured,marksmanship with ballistic weapons is a passive,wrath call XP:0/10 HP:20/20
It's properly loaded.
Nameornum Age:28 Gender:male Description:an alien from a jungle planet that's Alpha's best friend and subordinate Personality:sttuborn and childish some times Powers:cloak,adrenaline,silent kill XP:0/10 HP:30/30
You see the sun shining and decide to get out of your cave. You note that Commader Mordin has left an message for you on your computer saying that you need to get to the HQ in at least 1 hour. You may: sharp your claws and go go find some meat,then go simply go do nothing
Name:Mecha Jetter Age:??? Gender:male Description:an ace robot created to be a champion on the skyes Personality:defiant on what's wrong and good to be around Powers:call reinforcements,battle cry,beam tackle enemies XP:0/10 HP:40/40 Weapon(s): Sword-basic melee ATK:20| | |Blaster ACS10-standard weapon(ATK:10)
Dummie1:5/5 Dummie2:5/5 Dummie3:5/5 Dummie4:5/5
Wich target you attack?And with what weapon?
Here some more characters you can pick:
Name:Jikun Hu Age:19 Gender:male Description:An leader of an band of heroes that enjoys using uncommon tatics to win battles.Has trouble dealing with his older sister,Jikun Long Personality:funny and clever Powers:round house kick,side kick,lion's maw,avenger hit XP:0/10 HP:25/25
Name:Jikun Long Age:21 Gender:female Description:Jikun's older sister,whose always tryes to protect him from anything Personality:funny and protective Powers:same as Jikun Hu + evade(passive) and heal herself XP:0/10 HP:20/20
Name:Alpha Age:22 Gender:Male Personality:cold-blooded Description:An cyborg designed to be the perfect soldier. Powers:heal when injured,marksmanship with ballistic weapons is a passive,wrath call XP:0/10 HP:20/20
Name:Alpha Age:22 Gender:Male Personality:cold-blooded Description:An cyborg designed to be the perfect soldier. Powers:heal when injured,marksmanship with ballistic weapons is a passive,wrath call XP:0/10 HP:20/20 I take the hell bringer and check to make sure its loaded
Name:Jikun Hu Age:19 Gender:male Description:An leader of an band of heroes that enjoys using uncommon tatics to win battles.Has trouble dealing with his older sister,Jikun Long Personality:funny and clever Powers:round house kick,side kick,lion's maw,avenger hit XP:0/10 HP:25/25
Name:Alpha Age:22 Gender:Male Personality:cold-blooded Description:An cyborg designed to be the perfect soldier. Powers:heal when injured,marksmanship with ballistic weapons is a passive,wrath call XP:0/10 HP:20/20
I already told you that it's loaded.
Name:Jikun Hu Age:19 Gender:male Description:An leader of an band of heroes that enjoys using uncommon tatics to win battles.Has trouble dealing with his older sister,Jikun Long Personality:funny and clever Powers:round house kick,side kick,lion's maw,avenger hit XP:0/10 HP:25/25
You get out of your house while your sister is still sleeping,and decide to take a walk to wake your body up.You may: go take something to eat at the cafeteria just take a walk go to the shooting range to see how Mecha Jetter is hangin