Come on, you know we aren't racist, just funny people that don't care, hate everyone, or just go with the flow/spark up, respectively.
It was alright, most of the time the teacher left so we snuck off to do stuff.
While I'm kvetching, and please feel free to ignore me because I'm just bored and this is really all filler, my science teacher said yesterday that the solar system is 15 billion years old. A few weeks ago, she also said that theories are just guesses and the only reason we call "the theory of gravity", "Copernican theory", etc. "theories" is because that's what they were called in the olden days. -.-
About ME2: It's not really that bad, unless a shooter could be considered bad; you have the option of pursuing a romantic relationship but in no way is ot forced/required of you. The romnce scenes themselves (only 1 "inappropiate" scene per person) arent necessarily that bad, worst i've seen is a bra and,,,err,,, tight spacesuit-induced curves. Scenes arent even that long anyway and have minimal noise, so unless you're being watched like a rat in Africa (sue me) you should be fine. As for classes, i would not recommend Infiltrator, Vanguard or Sentinel. In order:Sniping is inefficient unless you have mad skillz, tactics don't work against bigger baddies, ajd very underpowered. I went with Adept and i have a happy mix of blasting enemies with guns and them throwing them out of cover and into walls with biotic abilities, among others.
While I'm kvetching, and please feel free to ignore me because I'm just bored and this is really all filler, my science teacher said yesterday that the solar system is 15 billion years old. A few weeks ago, she also said that theories are just guesses and the only reason we call "the theory of gravity", "Copernican theory", etc. "theories" is because that's what they were called in the olden days. -.-
I swear getting the Cracked mobile app raised my IQ a few points.
Kay, thanks. I think it's safe to assume ME3 isn't any worse.
I swear getting the Cracked mobile app raised my IQ a few points.
The solar system is only about 4.5 billion years old, so she was only off by about 10 billion years. Hell, the universe is only 13.7 billion years old.
Hmm..... I despise your teacher..... it is "The Universal Law of Gravity".....
Oops. Theory of Gravity was just an example, that was my ****up because I was typing rapidly and didn't bother to think. >.>
ME3 is allegedly much more speech-oriented and the romance ties much more closely to the story. From what ive seen on youtube, ME3 is worse with the mushy scenes (though no nudity that i know of) Amd if ME3 is truely the final game, I never got to see a Quarian face. D:
There is a rumbling and the lift begins it ls descent. After about a minute, you come to a chamber with multiple armored gateways, some man-sized, others big enough for a cart. One dwarf leaves the liftand leaves your FoV.w
There is a rumbling and the lift begins it ls descent. After about a minute, you come to a chamber with multiple armored gateways, some man-sized, others big enough for a cart. One dwarf leaves the liftand leaves your FoV.w
We don't technically even have electives(it's a specialized school), we have to go to other high schools for them. But I still need all my PE credits to graduate, which is why I have to take PE class over the summer.
There is a rumbling and the lift begins it ls descent. After about a minute, you come to a chamber with multiple armored gateways, some man-sized, others big enough for a cart. One dwarf leaves the liftand leaves your FoV.w